11.6.28 Operations: Create Expected Inventory Receipt
This creates a receipt when the expected inventory is received by the fulfillment center. An expected inventory record cannot be deleted after inventory has been received against it, and expected inventory details cannot be changed or deleted after any of that inventory has been received.
Before inventory for a product can be received, the product must be defined in the WebSphere Commerce system, regardless of whether the inventory receipt is expected or ad hoc.
Follow the steps in 11.6.24, Operations: Find Expected Inventory to find the desired expected inventory record details. After the record has been found on the Expected Inventory Details search results page, follow these steps:
1. Select the check box next to the desired record and click Receive. This displays the Receive Expected Inventory page, which is used to generate a receipt when expected inventory arrives at the fulfillment center.
2. Enter the following details:
Receive date Date of the inventory receipt
Currency Currency used to purchase the inventory
Receive quantity The actual number of products received. This may differ from the expected quantity
Unit Cost Unit cost of the product being received
Receipt Comments Additional comments about the receipt
Quality Comments Additional comments about the quality of the good received
3. Click OK. A window pops up to indicate that the expected inventory receipt was created successfully. Click OK to close it.