11.6.24 Operations: Find Expected Inventory
This section demonstrates how to find expected inventory for the store.
Expected inventory is received from a vendor, and is typically paid for with a purchase order. Expected inventory is tracked with expected inventory records. These enable an external identifier, typically a purchase order number from an external system, to be recorded to keep track of the inventory that has been ordered, as well as what has and has not arrived.
From the Operations menu, select Expected Inventory to open the Expected Inventory page, which lists the store's expected inventory records.
The Expected Inventory page, a typical search results page, enables the user to:
Scroll page-by-page through results with First, Last, Previous, and Next links.
Go directly to a page by entering the page number and clicking Go.
Select all rows in the table by selecting the check box at the top of the table.
Select individual rows by selecting the check box next to each individual row.
The Expected Inventory page also enables the user to perform the following actions specific to expected inventory records:
Create a new expected inventory record by clicking New. This displays the New Expected Inventory Record - General page. For more information about creating expected inventory records, refer to 11.6.25, Operations: Create Expected Inventory.
Change an expected inventory record by selecting the check box next to the desired record and clicking Change. This displays the Change Expected Inventory Record - General page. For more information about changing expected inventory records, refer to 11.6.26, Operations: Change Expected Inventory.
View the details of an expected inventory record by selecting the check box next to the desired record and clicking Details. This displays the Expected Inventory Details page. For more about viewing expected inventory records, refer to 11.6.27, Operations: View Expected Inventory.
Close an expected inventory record by selecting the check box next to the desired record and clicking Close. For more information about closing expected inventory records, refer to 11.6.30, Operations: Close Expected Inventory.
Delete an expected inventory record by selecting the check box next to the desired record and clicking Delete. For more information about deleting expected inventory records, refer to 11.6.31, Operations: Delete Expected Inventory.
Generate expected inventory record reports by clicking Reports to display the Expected Inventory Reports page. For more information about generating expected inventory record reports, refer to 11.6.32, Operations: Expected Inventory Reports.