11.6.26 Operations: Change Expected Inventory
This section shows how to change the details for an expected inventory record.
1. Follow the steps outlined in 11.6.24, Operations: Find Expected Inventory to find the desired expected inventory record.
2. On the Expected Inventory search results page, check the box next to the desired record and click Change. This opens the Change Expected Inventory Record: General page, which is used to modify the details of an expected inventory record.
This page is exactly the same as the Create Expected Inventory Record - General page except for the following minor differences:
All fields are prepopulated with the existing values.
Instead of clicking Next to gain access to the Details section, it is a menu option on the left side of the pane. Clicking a menu option opens the appropriate page.
All other fields can be modified following the Create Expected Inventory process outlined in 11.6.25, Operations: Create Expected Inventory.
3. After all modifications have been made, click OK to save the changes.
4. A window pops up to indicate that the expected inventory record details were updated successfully. Click OK to close it.