9.2.8 Configuration: Message types
This page (Figure 9-11) displays messages that have been configured for the site. Messages are displayed by message type, message severity, and transportation method.
Figure 9-11 Message Type configuration
To add a new message type to the site:
1. From the Configuration menu, select Message Types.
2. Click New.
3. Complete the Message Transport Assignment page:
a. Select the Message Type from the pull-down list.
b. Enter 0, 0 in Message Severity.
c. Select Transport from the pull-down list.
d. Select Device Format from the pull-down list. (Most of the time, we will use Standard Device Format).
e. Check the box next to Archive Message after sent to save the sent messages.
4. Click Next.
5. Complete the required fields on the page.
Note: For e-mails, enter an actual e-mail address in the Sender and Recipient fields. The CC, BCC, and Reply To fields are optional. If an e-mail address is entered, it must be valid.
6. Click Finish.
To change an existing message type on the site:
1. From the Configuration menu, select Message Types.
2. Select the check box next to the message type to change.
3. Click Change.
4. Make any needed changes and click Next.
5. Make any needed changes and click Finish.
To delete an existing message type from the site:
1. From the Configuration menu, select Message Types.
2. Select the check box next to the message type to change.
3. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.
4. Click OK to confirm.