7.3.2 Add buyer administrators
We now create buyer administrators for each organization and organizational unit in the IBM buyer organization.
To add users to the newly created organizations:
1. Select Access Management Æ Users from the Organization Administration Console menu. The Users page is displayed.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the following fields on the New User page:
a. Logon ID: ibmbuyeradmin
b. Name fields
c. Password
d. Account policy: Shoppers
e. Account status: Enabled
f. Business Profile information
g. Parent Organization: IBM
h. Address fields
i. Contact fields
Note: Be sure to enter a valid e-mail address. This user will receive approval notifications.
4. Click OK.
The user has been created successfully and the Users page is displayed with the new user added to the list.
5. Click New.
6. Enter the following fields on the New User page:
a. Logon ID: swgbuyeradmin
b. Name fields
c. Password
d. Account policy: Shoppers
e. Account status: Enabled
f. Business Profile information
g. Parent Organization: SWG
h. Address fields
i. Contact fields
Note: Be sure to enter a valid e-mail address. This user will receive approval notifications.
7. Click OK.
The user has been created successfully and the Users page is displayed with the new user added to the list.
8. Click New.
9. Enter the following fields on the New User page:
a. Logon ID: igsbuyeradmin
b. Name fields
c. Password
d. Account policy: Shoppers
e. Account status: Enabled
f. Business Profile information
g. Parent Organization: IGS
h. Address fields
i. Contact fields
Note: Be sure to enter a valid e-mail address. This user will receive approval notifications.
10. Click OK.
The user has been created successfully and the Users page is displayed with the new user added to the list.
11. Click New.
12. Enter the following fields on the New User page:
a. Logon ID: allstoresbuyeradmin
b. name fields
c. Password
d. Account policy: Shoppers
e. Account status: Enabled
f. Business Profile information
g. Parent Organization: All Stores
h. Address fields
i. Contact fields
Note: Be sure to enter a valid e-mail address. This user will receive approval notifications.
13. Click OK.
The user has been created successfully and the Users page is displayed with the new user added to the list.
Each newly created user has no default roles assigned, so now we add roles to the users:
1. Select ibmbuyeradmin and click Roles. The Roles page is displayed.
2. Select IBM from the Select organization list box.
3. Add roles to this user:
a. Select Buyer (buy side) from the Role list box.
b. Click Add.
c. Select Buyer Administrator from the Role list box.
d. Click Add.
e. Select Buyer Approver from the Role list box.
f. Click Add.
g. Select Organization Participant from the Role list box.
h. Click Add.
4. Select IBM Seller Organization from the Select organization list box.
5. Select Registered Customer from the Role list box.
6. Click Add.
7. Click OK.
8. Select swgbuyeradmin and click Roles. The Roles page is displayed.
9. Select SWG from the Select organization list box.
10. Add roles to this user:
a. Select Buyer (buy side) from the Role list box.
11. Click Add.
b. Select Buyer Administrator from the Role list box.
c. Click Add.
d. Select Buyer Approver from the Role list box.
e. Click Add.
f. Select Organization Participant from the Role list box.
g. Click Add.
12. Select IBM Seller Organization from the Select organization list box.
13. Select Registered Customer from the Role list box.
14. Click Add.
15. Click OK.
16. Select igsbuyeradmin and click Roles. The Roles page is displayed.
17. Select IGS from the Select organization list box.
18. Add roles to this user:
a. Select Buyer (buy side) from the Role list box.
b. Click Add.
c. Select Buyer Administrator from the Role list box.
d. Click Add.
e. Select Buyer Approver from the Role list box.
f. Click Add.
g. Select Organization Participant from the Role list box.
h. Click Add.
19. Select IBM Seller Organization from the Select organization list box.
20. Select Registered Customer from the Role list box.
21. Click Add.
22. Click OK.
23. Select allstoresbuyeradmin and click Roles. The Roles page is displayed.
24. Select All Stores from the Select organization list box.
25. Add roles to this user:
a. Select Buyer Administrator from the Role list box.
b. Click Add.
c. Select Buyer Approver from the Role list box.
d. Click Add.
e. Select Organization Participant from the Role list box.
f. Click Add.
26. Select IBM Seller Organization from the Select organization list box.
27. Select Registered Customer from the Role list box.
28. Click Add.
29. Click OK. The User page is displayed (Figure 7-5).
Figure 7-5 New user list with buyer administrators