Scheduling replication and extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes

The first step in the ETL process checks to see if continuous replication is enabled. If enabled the ETL process will run after any running replication cycle completes. If continuous replication is not enabled, you can either run replication and ETL manually, or you can schedule it to run.

To schedule replication and ETL processes, use the Scheduled Tasks feature in the Control Panel.

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Click Scheduled Tasks. Click Add Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Task Wizard opens.
  3. Following the steps in the wizard, browse to WCA_installdir/bin/runWCA.bat. Add the parameter 1 to the end of the selected program. For example WCA_installdir/bin/runWCA.bat 1.
  4. Complete the wizard, selecting the date and time and other options for the scheduled task.

Important: Replication should be scheduled on a daily basis to keep the data up to date on WebSphere Commerce Analyzer data mart. On scheduling the replication on a daily basis, the delta run will take approximately 6 hours, depending on the size of the database.