WebSphere Commerce Analyzer flows

The replication and ETL are made up of flows. The flow is based on /wca/bin/demo.xml.

The following table lists the flows in the order in which they are run.

Flow Order Name and Description Step Order Process Name Step Name
1 This flow starts replication and ETL 1 Rep_WC A_WC_ALL
2 This flow starts ETL 1 WC_ETL check_reference
2 check_tablespace
3 performance_ODS_runstats
4 performance_WCA_runstats
5 prune_r_table
6 update_prune
7 update_operation
8 store_reference
9 order_currency_ref
10 concept_ref
11 concept_hierarchy
12 features
13 metaphor_type_reference
14 prod_attr_ref
15 product_attribute
16 ship_mode
17 ffmcenter
18 catalog
19 currency_conversion
20 currency_format
21 store
22 store_rel
23 initiative
24 mpe
25 campaign
26 baseitem
27 product_ref
28 product
29 catalog_ref
30 category_ref
31 performance_runstats
32 product_hierarchy
33 member
34 pop_userdemo
35 address
36 account
37 trading
38 contract
39 itemspc
40 participant
41 offer_desc
42 offer
43 offer_price
44 organization
45 rfq
46 rfq_reqprd
47 rfq_response
48 rfq_response_product
49 ordpromocd
50 promotion
51 camp_init_mpe_rel
52 update_camp_init_mpe_rel
53 fact_event
54 offer_orderitem
55 fact_orderitems
56 fact_interest_list
57 fact_orders
58 pop_fact_pc
59 update_fact_pc
60 pop_fact_pa
61 update_fact_pa
62 pop_fact_pe
63 update_fact_pe
64 pop_fact_cpgn_stats
65 fact_interest
66 pop_fact_sa
67 update_fact_sa
68 fact_metaphor
69 metaphor
70 constraints
71 metaphor_feature_relationship
72 browser
73 fact_visitor
74 emlpromo
75 fact_email_stats
76 itemprice
77 userreg
78 pop_mbrgrp
79 create_profile
80 pop_usrprofile
81 delete_data
82 update_orders
83 coupon
84 fact_orders_payment
85 fact_adjustment
86 sum_trading
87 sum_member
88 rfm_account
89 rfm_contract
90 pop_prcorsn
91 fact_sales
92 update_load_status
3 This flow starts Effective Calculation. 1 WC_EFFCALC performance_runstats
2 eff_calc_member
3 eff_calc_interest_list
4 eff_calc_orderitems
5 eff_calc_orders
6 eff_calc_fact_event
7 eff_calc_fact_visits
8 eff_calc_fact_metaphor
9 eff_calc_fact_email_stats
10 eff_calc_fact_sales
The process is Complete