Finding campaigns

You can locate your campaigns in the Management Center either by browsing, or by searching.

About this taskTo find a campaign:

  1. Open the Marketing tool.

  2. From the explorer view, click Campaigns. The Campaigns - List page opens.

  3. Find campaigns by using one of these methods:

    • Browse

      You can find all of the campaigns defined for the store in the campaign list.

    • Simple search

      Type a search string in the search field, select from a list of object types, and click

      Find. Once you find the campaign you are looking for, you can double-click it to open it in the properties editor.

      The system performs a search of campaign names based on your search criteria. This is a case-insensitive search, and the campaigns are returned in alphabetical order.

      You can also use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard before or after your search string. For example, to find all products that begin with "ABC", type ABC*; to find all products that end in "ABC", type *ABC.

      Any special characters (for example, &, %, #, @, and so on), are treated literally. The asterisk (*); however, is only treated literally when used between two asterisks (such as *xxx*xxx*), or used in the middle of a string (such as 123*789).

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