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What is new in WAS traditional

Java Platform, Standard Edition 8

IBM SDK, v8 is the default Java SDK for WAS traditional V9.

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7

WAS traditional supports the full Java EE 7.

  1. Java EE 7 Web Profile

    Adds support for HTML5 to support dynamic scalable applications for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Java EE 7 Web Profile includes EJB Lite, Java Persistence API (JPA), and Java Transaction API (JTA). Two new technologies, WebSocket and JSON, speed up data exchanges and simplify data parsing for portable applications. There are updates to existing technologies, JAX-RS 2.0, Java Server Faces (JSF) 2.2, and Servlet 3.1.

  2. Increased developer productivity.

    A simplified application architecture reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed for business logic, such as in JMS 2.0 and the JAX-RS 2.0 client API. A more robust POJO development model enables broader use of annotations, such as in JAX-RS 2.0 Interceptors and Filters and in CDI. Bean Validation 1.1 offers method-level validation.

  3. Improved support for enterprise demands.

    Java EE continues to support enterprise demands with Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), Java Transaction API (JTA), and JMS. Java EE 7 introduces the ability to write batch applications in Java that use a standard API and are portable across multiple runtime environments. Batch applications enable a better use of computing resources by shifting processing times to when resources are typically idle. Concurrency utilities enable developers to write scalable applications that integrate with the Java EE runtime in a secure, reliable manner.

  4. Deprecation of older technologies.

    Older technologies are optional: Application Deployment (JSR-88); JAXR, for interfacing with UDDI registries (JSR-93); JAX-RPC, for XML-based RPC (JSR-101); and EJB 2.x Container Managed Persistence, which Java Persistence API (JSR-338) replaces.

Java Enterprise Edition 7 sample applications

To access Java EE 7 sample code, visit the WASdev project space on GitHub. See Accessing the samples.

IBM Cloud Product Insights

IBM Cloud Product Insights adds the capability to register WAS instances with the Product Insights service on Bluemix and submit usage metrics. From a single Product Insights service dashboard, we can track many servers, including those hosted both in Bluemix and in other environments. Other products, including Liberty and IBM Integration Bus, can also be registered with the Product Insights service.

IBM Cloud Product Insights service is deprecated


  • What is new for installers
  • What is new for administrators
  • What is new for security specialists
  • What is new for developers
  • What is new for deployers
  • Programming model APIs and specifications
  • Deprecated, stabilized, and removed features of WAS traditional
  • Release notes