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Required confidentiality settings

Confidentiality constraints consumed messages must meet. This includes specifying which message parts within the incoming message must be encrypted, and the message parts to which attached encrypted Nonce and time stamp elements are expected.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security configurations -> v1-inbound-config_name -> [Request consumer] Required Confidentiality -> required-confidentiality_name.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.

General Properties


The name of the required confidentiality element.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String


Indicates the assertion of the required confidentiality constraint.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type drop-down list


Both messages that meet or do not meet the required integrity constraint are accepted.


The required integrity constraint must be met by the incoming message.

Additional Properties

Message parts

Specifies parts of the message affected by this required confidentiality constraint.


Encrypted Nonce elements which must be present in the consumed message, and what parts of the message they must be attached to. Nonce is a randomly generated value.

Time stamp

Encrypted time stamp elements which must be present in the consumed message, and what parts of the message they must be attached to.