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WS-Security configurations [Collection]

WS-Security configurations for inbound and outbound services.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security configurations.

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, then use the buttons provided.

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We can configure the service integration bus for secure transmission of SOAP messages using tokens, keys, signatures and encryption in accordance with the Web Services Security (WS-Security) 1.0 specification.

Alternatively, we can configure the bus in accordance with the previous WS-Security specification, WS-Security Draft 13 (Web Services Security Core Specification). Use of the WS-Security Draft 13 specification is deprecated, and should only be used to allow continued use of an existing web services client application written to the WS-Security Draft 13 specification.

We use WS-Security configurations to secure the SOAP messages that pass between service requesters (clients) and inbound services, and between outbound services and target Web services. Configurations specify the level of security that you require (for example "The body must be signed"). This level of security is then implemented through the run-time information contained in a WS-Security binding.

Configurations are administered independently from any web service that uses them, so we can create a configuration then apply it to many web services. However, the security requirements for an inbound service (which acts as a target web service) are significantly different to those required for an outbound service (which acts as a client). Consequently, configurations are further divided by service type (inbound or outbound).


The name of the WS-Security configuration.

Service type

The type of service the WS-Security configuration applies to.

Security version

Identifies the version of the WS-Security specification this configuration uses.


Button Description
New Create a new administrative object of this type.
Delete Delete the selected items.