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Key sets settings

Set the properties for a new key set.

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Key set name

Key set name used to select the key set from a key set group and from runtime API.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Management scope

Scope where this SSL configuration is visible. For example, if we choose a specific node, then the configuration is only visible on that node and any servers that are part of that node.

Information Value
Data type List
Range: Applicable scopes

Key alias prefix name

Prefix for the key alias when a new key is generated and stored in a keystore. The rest of the key alias comes from the key reference version number. For example, if the alias prefix is mykey and the key reference version is 2, the keystore references the key using alias mykey_2. If the key reference already has a specified alias for a key already existing in the keystore, this field is ignored.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Key password

Password used to protect the key in the keystore. If a password is specified in the key reference as well, this password is ignored. This password is used for keys that get generated by a key generator class.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Confirm password

Same password again to confirm it was entered correctly the first time.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Key generator class name

Class name that generates keys. If the class implements com.ibm.websphere.crypto.KeyGenerator, then a getKey() method should return a java.security.Key object that is set in the key store using the setKey method without a certificate chain. The key store type associated with the key set must support storing keys without certificates, such as JCEKS.

Information Value
Data type: Text

If the class implements com.ibm.websphere.crypto.KeyPairGenerator, then a getKeyPair() method should return a com.ibm.websphere.crypto.KeyPair object containing either a java.security.PublicKey and java.security.PrivateKey, or a java.security.cert.Certificate[] and a java.security.PrivateKey. The key generator class and the caller of the KeySetHelper API should know the details of the keys generated. This framework does not need to understand the key algorithms and lengths.

Delete key references that are beyond the maximum number of keys

That the keys are deleted from the keystore at the same time that the key reference is deleted. The server deletes the older key references as the Maximum number of keys referenced value is exceeded.

Maximum number of keys referenced

Maximum number of key instances that are returned when keys from this key set are requested. The oldest key reference gets removed whenever a new key reference gets generated after the maximum has been reached.

Information Value
Data type: Integer
Default: 3

Key store

Key store containing the keys for storage, retrieval, or both.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Generates key pair

That a key references a key pair instead of a key. The key pair contains both a public key and a private key.

  • Create a Secure Sockets Layer configuration
  • Key sets collection