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Map target settings

Map a composition unit to a deployment target. The product assigns a default target when we do not specify a target.

From the admin console, click...

        Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > composition_unit_name > Modify Target. The Map target page is similar to the Map composition unit to a target page in the add composition unit wizard.

On single-server products, a deployment target can be an application server or web server.

On multiple-server products, a deployment target can be an application server, cluster of application servers, or web server.

On this page, map a composition unit to one or more desired targets.

Current targets

Specifies the existing deployment targets for the composition unit.


Lists the names of available deployment targets. This list is the same for every composition unit registered in the cell.

From this list, select only appropriate deployment targets for a composition unit.

If the unit calls a Version 9.x API, uses a 9.x feature, or supports a Java EE 7 technology added in 9.x, then we must map the unit to a 9.x deployment target.

If the unit calls a Version 8.x API, uses an 8.x feature, or supports Java EE 6, then we must map the unit to an 8.x or later deployment target.

If the unit calls a Version 7.x API, uses a 7.x feature, or supports Java EE 5, then we must map the unit to a 7.x or later deployment target.

To map a composition unit to a deployment target, select a target from the Available list and click >>. The target name is displayed in the Selected list.


Lists the names of desired deployment targets.

When we click OK, the product maps the composition unit to the deployment targets in the Selected list.

To remove a deployment target from the Selected list, select the target and click <<.


  • Business-level applications
  • Create business-level applications with the console
  • Update business-level applications
  • Business-level application collection