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Set options settings

Specify options for the composition unit to be added to the business-level application. The product supplies default values for the options if we do not specify a value.

From the admin console, click...

        Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name. On the business-level application settings page, specify the type of composition unit to add:

Backing identifier

Unique identifier for a composition unit registered in the application management domain.

The identifier has the format: WebSphere:unit_typename=unit_name,unit_typeversion=version_number. For example, for the MyApp.jar asset, the backing identifier might be WebSphere:assetname=MyApp.jar.

Information Value
Data type String
Units Composition unit identifier


Name of the composition unit.

For example, for the MyApp.jar asset, the name might be MyApp.jar.

A unit name cannot begin with a period (.), cannot contain leading or trailing spaces, and cannot contain any of the following characters:

Unsupported characters
⁄ forward slash $  dollar sign ' single quote mark
\ backslash =  equal sign " double quote mark
* asterisk % percent sign |  vertical bar
, comma +  plus sign <  left angle bracket
: colon @ at sign >  right angle bracket
; semi-colon #  hash mark & ampersand (and sign)
? question mark ]]> No specific name exists for this character combination

Information Value
Data type String


Description for the composition unit.

Starting weight

Order in which composition units are started when the server starts. The starting weight is like the startup order. The composition unit with the lowest starting weight is started first.

The value that we set for Starting weight determines the importance or weight of a composition unit within the business-level application. For example, for the most important composition unit within a business-level application, specify 1 for Starting weight. For the next most important composition unit within the business-level application, specify 2 for Starting weight, and so on.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 1
Range 0 to 2147483647

Start composition unit upon distribution

Specifies whether to start the composition unit after the product distributes the composition unit to other locations.

The default is not to start the composition unit.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default false

Restart behavior on update

Specifies whether the product restarts deployment targets after updates to the composition unit.

Usually, a composition unit is mapped to one or more deployment targets. This setting determines whether the product restarts those targets after editing the composition unit.

Option Description
ALL The product restarts each target node of the composition unit after editing the composition unit.
DEFAULT The product restarts the nodes controlled by the sync plug-ins after editing the composition unit.
NONE The product does not restart nodes after editing the composition unit.


  • Business-level applications
  • Create business-level applications with the console
  • Business-level application collection
  • Map target settings