Delete clusters using the job manager
We can submit the Delete cluster job to remove a cluster from the flexible management environment.
Start the job manager, the dmgr, and the nodes on which the cluster resides.
Each cluster that you want to delete must be a managed resource of the job manager.
Use the admin console of the job manager to delete a cluster from one or more managed nodes. From the job manager console, choose the Delete cluster job, specify job options, review the summary, and submit the job.
The job stops the cluster, if it is running, and removes the cluster from the flexible management environment and from the dmgr node.
Instead of using the job manager console, we can run the deleteCluster job script in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.
- Click Jobs > Submit from the navigation tree of the job manager administrative console.
- Choose a job to delete a cluster.
- Select the Delete cluster job type from the list.
- Optionally specify a description of the job.
- Click Next.
- Choose the job targets from which to delete a cluster.
- Select a group of nodes from the list, or select Node names.
- If you selected Node names, then specify a node name and click Add, or click Find and specify the chosen nodes on the Find nodes page.
For example, suppose a managed node, myNode01, has a cluster named cluster2 to remove. Specify the node name:
myNode01- If user authentication is required, specify the user name and password.
- Click Next.
- Specify parameters for the delete cluster job.
- For Cluster name, specify the name of cluster to remove. To see the names of existing clusters on the target nodes, click Find on the Specify job parameters page. On the Find node resources page, specify the target nodes and click Find. To continue with the example, to remove cluster2 from the myNode01 node, specify the cluster name:
cluster2- If the cluster belongs to a replication domain, optionally specify true for Delete replication domain to remove the cluster replication domain.
By default, the product does not delete the cluster replication domain when the cluster is deleted. The default value is false.
- Click Next.
- Schedule the job.
- Optionally specify one or more e-mail addresses where notifications are sent when the job finishes.
If you specify multiple e-mail addresses, separate them with commas.
- Select when the job is available for submission.
- Select the job expiration.
- Optionally specify a recurring interval for the job, a start date and time for the interval, and an end date and time for the interval.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary, and click Finish to submit the job.
The target nodes run the job and delete the cluster.
Next steps
On the Job status page, click the ID of the delete cluster job and view the job status. Click the status refresh icon
to refresh the displayed status.
If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again. correct the error condition, and submit the job again.
If the job is successful, click Jobs > Node resources. The names of deleted clusters are not in the list of resources.
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST