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Set a core group transport


Change the core group transport if we need to, for example...

Before configuring...

If a core group needs to use the core group bridge service, for the transport mechanism, choose...

Channel framework

If Unicast is selected, we might receive error message CHFW0029E, which indicates the transport chain was not initialized because the address was already in use.

Change the core group transport for a core group

  1. In the admin console, click...

      Servers | Core Groups | Core group settings | core_group | Transport type | type_of_transport

    Channel framework Default. Point-to-point transport. If choosen, also select one of the following transport chains...

    DCS Use non-secure sockets.
    DCS-Secure Use SSL encrypted sockets.

    Unicast Deprecated. Point-to-point transport over standard non-secure OS-level TCP/IP network connection facilities.
  2. Synchronize changes with nodes

  3. Select Synchronize changes with nodes , and then click Save again.

  4. Restart the servers containing core group members.



Core group transports
Interoperate with V6.0.1.2 processes
Interoperate with V6.0.2 and later processes
Core groups (high availability domains)
Set up a high availability environment
Core group settings