Select a Web server topology diagram and roadmap



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The primary production configuration for a Web server is an appserver on one machine and a Web server on a separate machine. This configuration is referred to as a remote configuration. Contrast the remote configuration to the local configuration, where the appserver and the Web server are on the same machine.

The Plug-ins installation wizard has four main tasks:


Web server plug-in installation for stand-alone appserver environments


Web server plug-in installation for distributed environments (cells)


Set up a remote Web server installation.

Remote installation installs the Web server plug-in on the Web server machine separate from the appserver machine...


Remote installation scenario

Step Machine Task
1 A Install the WAS ND product.
2 A Set a stand-alone appserver profile.
3 B Install IBM HTTP Server or another supported Web server.
4 B Install the binary plug-in module using the Plug-ins installation wizard.

The script for creating the Web server is deposited under...

5 B Copy the configureWebServer script to Machine A.
6 A Paste configureWebServer from Machine B to...


...on Machine A.

7 A Start the appserver, then run the script from a command line.
8 A Verify that the appserver is running. Open the admin console and save the changed configuration.
9 B

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris] Source...


...for a Domino Web Server before starting a Domino Web server. Otherwise, start the supported Web server.

10 B Run the snoop servlet. Access the following URL in the browser:


To verify with our own application, regenerate and propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file after installing the application.


Regeneration of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service regenerates plugin-cfg.xml automatically.

During the installation of the plug-ins, the temporary plugin-cfg.xml file is installed on Machine B in...


To use the actual plugin-cfg.xml file from the appserver, propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file.


Propagation of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service propagates the plugin-cfg.xml file automatically for IBM HTTP Server V6.0 or later. For all other Web servers, propagate the plug-in configuration file manually. Copy the plugin-cfg.xml file from the...


...on Machine A. Paste the file into...


...on Machine B.


Set up a local Web server configuration.

The local Web server configuration is recommended for a development or test environment.

A local installation includes the Web server plug-in, the Web server, and the appserver on the same machine:


Local installation scenario

Step Machine Task
1 A Install WAS v7.
2 A Create an appserver profile.
3 A Install IBM HTTP Server or another supported Web server.
4 A Install the binary plug-in module using the Plug-ins installation wizard.

The Web server definition is automatically created during the installation of the plug-ins.

5 A Verify that the appserver is running. Open the admin console and save the changed configuration.
6 A [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris] Run...


...for a Domino Web Server before starting a Domino Web server.

Start the Web server.

7 A Run the snoop servlet. Access the following URL in the browser:


To verify with our own application, regenerate and propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file after installing the application.


Regeneration of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file automatically.

The plugin-cfg.xml file is generated in...

$WP_PROFILE/config/cells/cell/nodes/node/servers/WebServer directory

The generation occurs when the Web server definition is created.


Propagation of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The local file does not require propagation.


Set up a remote Web server installation in a cell.

The remote Web server configuration is recommended for production environments.

The remote distributed installation installs the Web server plug-in on the Web server machine when the appserver is on a separate machine, such as shown in the following graphic:


Remote distributed installation scenario

Step Machine Task
1 A Install WAS ND.
2 A Create a dmgr profile.
3 A Start the dmgr with...

4 B Install WAS ND.
5 B Create an appserver profile.
6 B Federate the node using...

$WP_PROFILE/bin/ dmgrhost 8879 -includeapps

Federating the node starts the nodeagent process, which is required to be running during this configuration.

7 C Install IBM HTTP Server or another supported Web server.
8 C Install the binary plug-in module using the Plug-ins installation wizard.

The script for creating the Web server is deposited under...

9 C Copy the configureWebServer script to Machine A.

If one machine is running under an operating system such as AIX or Linux and the other machine is running under Windows, copy the script from... '

10 A Paste configureWebServer from Machine C to...


...on Machine A.

11 A Start the node agent and the dmgr if they are not already running, then run the script from a command line.

If we have enabled security or changed the default JMX connector type, edit the script and include the appropriate parameters on the wsadmin command.

12 A/B Use the admin console of the dmgr on Machine A to start the appserver on Machine B. Wait for synchronization to occur and save the new configuration.
13 C [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris] Run...


...for a Domino Web Server before starting a Domino Web server. Otherwise, start the Web server.

14 C Run the snoop servlet. Access the following URL in the browser:


To verify with our own application, regenerate and propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file after installing the application.


Regeneration of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file automatically.

During the installation of the plug-ins, the temporary plugin-cfg.xml file is installed on Machine B in...



Propagation of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service propagates the plugin-cfg.xml file automatically for IBM HTTP Server V6.0 or later. For all other Web servers, propagate the plug-in configuration file, by manually copying the plugin-cfg.xml file from...


...on Machine A to...


...on Machine C.

Set up a local distributed Web server configuration.

The local Web server configuration is recommended for a development or test environment.

A local distributed installation includes the Web server plug-in, the Web server, and the managed appserver on the same machine:


Local distributed installation scenario

Step Machine Task
1 A Install WAS ND.
2 A Create a dmgr profile.
3 A Start the dmgr...

4 B Install WAS ND.
5 B Create an appserver profile.
6 B Federate the node...

$WP_PROFILE/bin/ dmgrhost 8879 -includeapps

Federating the node starts the nodeagent process, which is required to be running during this configuration.

7 B Install IBM HTTP Server or another supported Web server.
8 B Install the binary plug-in module using the Plug-ins installation wizard.

The script for creating and configuring the Web server is created in...

11 B After verifying that the dmgr and the node agent are running on Machine A, run the configureWebServer script from a command line in...


...on Machine B.

If we have enabled security or changed the default JMX connector type, edit the script and include the appropriate parameters.

12 A/B Use the admin console of the dmgr on Machine A to start the appserver on Machine B. Wait for synchronization to occur and save the new configuration.
13 B [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris] Run...


... for a Domino Web Server before starting a Domino Web server. Otherwise, start the Web server.

14 B Run the snoop servlet. Access the following URL in the browser:



Regeneration of the plugin-cfg.xml file

The Web server plug-in configuration service regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file automatically.

During the installation of the plug-ins, the temporary plugin-cfg.xml file is installed on Machine B in...


The plugin-cfg.xml file is generated at...


...when the Web server definition is created.

Regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file in the Web server definition in the appserver whenever the configuration changes. The Web server has immediate access to the file whenever it is regenerated.

When the Web server plug-in configuration service (an administration service) is enabled on Machine A, the plugin-cfg.xml file is automatically generated for all Web servers.


Propagation of the plugin-cfg.xml file

Node synchronization is used to propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file from Machine A to Machine B.

When the Web server plug-in configuration service (an administration service) is enabled on Machine A, the plugin-cfg.xml file is automatically propagated for all Web servers.


Alternate configuration

This procedure describes installing the plug-ins on two machines. However, we can perform this procedure on a single machine as shown in the following graphic. A local distributed installation also includes the Web server plug-in, the Web server, the appserver, and the deployment manager on the same machine:


What to do next




Web server plug-in properties
Web server plug-ins


Related information

Install Web server plug-ins