Proxy virtual host settings details
To override some proxy server scoped settings with values to be used for the proxy virtual host.
To view this admin console page ...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server_name > Virtual hosts > virtual_host_name > Proxy virtual host settings.
General Properties
The three types of configurations available on this page are static file serving, logging, and error page policy. For each of these types, we can choose to use the server scoped value for this setting or we can override the settings with new values that are used only for this proxy virtual host.
- If we choose Use global server settings, then the server scoped values for that type are displayed and those values will be used for the proxy virtual host.
- If we choose Customize for the virtual host, then the values that you enter in the fields for that type are used for the proxy virtual host instead of the server scoped values.
- Static file serving
This type of configuration specifies the information needed for the proxy server to perform static file serving.
- Static file document route: The location on the file system of the static files to be served
- Logging
This type of configuration specifies the logging options for proxied requests and stored cache requests.
- Enable access logging: Whether or not access logging will be used.
- Access log maximum size: Maximum size of each access in megabytes.
- Proxy access log: Log to be used to log responses that are received from remote servers.
- Cache access log: Logs responses that are served from the local cache.
- Local access log: Logs all non-cache local responses, for example, redirects and internal errors.
- Error page policy
This type of configuration specifies settings to support the use of customized error pages to be displayed when errors occur during the processing of requests.
- Error page generation application URI: If a valid URI to an installed application is not provided, the custom error page policy does not handle requests.
- Handle errors generated by the proxy server: Specifies if errors generated by the proxy server should be handled with the custom static error pages stored on the local file system. If this is not selected then the default error messages will be used instead of any customer error pages.
- Handle errors generated by the appserver: Specifies if errors generated by the back-end server should be handled with the custom static error pages stored on the local file system. If this is not selected, then the default error messages are used instead of any customer error pages.
- Headers to forward to error page application: Specifies a list of the headers from the original request to forward to the error page generation application.
- HTTP status codes that are to be recognized as errors: List of the status codes in a response that should be directed to the error page generation application.
Related tasks
Administer proxy virtual hosts
Proxy virtual hosts collection
Proxy virtual host settings