Linking a WSIF service to a SOAP over HTTP service
The SOAP provider allows WSIF stubs and dynamic clients to invoke SOAP services. Add WSDL extensions to the Web service WSDL file so that the service can use the SOAP provider.
The current WSIF default SOAP provider (the IBM Web Service SOAP provider) does not fully interoperate with services that are running on the former (Apache SOAP) provider. This is because the IBM Web Service SOAP provider is designed to interoperate fully with a JAX-RPC compliant Web service, and Apache SOAP cannot provide such a service.
See see WSIF SOAP provider: working with existing applications.
The Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) SOAP provider supports SOAP 1.1 over HTTP.
The SOAP provider is JSR 101/109 compliant and uses Web Services for Java EE for parsing and creating SOAP messages.
The SOAP provider supports:
- SOAP-ENC encoding.
- RPC style and Document style SOAP messages.
- SOAP messages with attachments.
The SOAP provider is not transactional.
The SOAP provider does not support the WSIF synchronous timeout. The SOAP provider uses the default client timeout value that is set for Web Services for Java EE.
To link a WSIF service to a SOAP over HTTP service, you write extensions to the service WSDL file.
- If we have a Web service that you expect multiple clients to use to connect over SOAP, before you deploy the service set up the application deployment descriptor file dds.xml to handle multiple connections.
See the troubleshooting tip Use WSIF with multiple clients causes a SOAP parsing error.
- Write the WSDL extension that enables the WSIF service to access a SOAP over JMS service.
The WSDL binding extension for SOAP over JMS varies only slightly from the SOAP over HTTP binding.
- Write the WSDL extensions for SOAP attachments.
WSIF SOAP provider: working with existing applications
Related tasks
Linking a WSIF service to a JMS-provided service
WSIFOperation - Synchronous and asynchronous timeouts reference
Plan to use Web services
Example: Passing SOAP messages with attachments using WSIF
Linking a WSIF service to the underlying implementation of the service
Example: Writing the WSDL extension that enables the WSIF service to invoke a method on a local Java object
Example: Writing the WSDL extension that enables the WSIF service to invoke an enterprise bean