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Web Services Invocation Framework troubleshooting tips

A set of specific tips to help you troubleshoot problems you experience with the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF).

For information about resolving WAS-level problems, see Diagnose problems (using diagnosis tools).

To identify and resolve WSIF-related problems, we can use the standard trace and logging facilities. If we encounter a problem that you think might be related to WSIF, we can check for error messages in the WAS admin console, and in the appserver stdout.log file. We can also enable the appserver debug trace to provide a detailed exception dump.

A list of the WSIF runtime system messages, with details of what each message means, is provided in WSIF (Web Services Invocation Framework) messages.

A list of the main known restrictions that apply when using WSIF is provided in WSIF - Known restrictions.

Here is a checklist of major WSIF activities, with advice on common problems associated with each activity:

Create service

A handcrafted WSDL file can cause numerous problems. To help ensure that the WSDL file is valid, use a tool such as WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) to create the Web service.

Define transport mechanism

For the Java Message Service (JMS), check that we have set up the JNDI correctly, and created the necessary connection factories and queues.

For SOAP, make sure that the deployment descriptor file dds.xml is correct - preferably by creating it using WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) or similar tooling.

Create client - Java code

Follow the correct format for creating a WSIF service, port, operation and message. For examples of correct code, see Example: Using WSIF to invoke the AddressBook sample Web service dynamically.

Compile code (client and service)

Check that the build path against code is correct, and that it contains the correct levels of JAR files.

Create a valid EAR file for the service in preparation for deployment to a Web server.

Deploy service

When you install and deploy the service EAR file, check carefully any messages given when the service is deployed.

Server setup and start

Make sure that the WAS server.policy file (in the /properties directory) has the correct security settings.

See Secure WSIF.

WSIF setup

Check that the wsif.properties file is correctly set up.

See wsif.properties file - Initial contents.

Run client

Either check that we have defined the class path correctly to include references to the client classes, WSIF JAR files and any other necessary JAR files, or (preferably) run the client using the launchClient tool.

Either check that we have defined the class path correctly to include references to the client classes, WSIF JAR files and any other necessary JAR files, or (preferably) run the client using the WAS launch client tool.

See about this tool, refer to the Running application clients chapter of the Develop and deploying applications PDF book.

Here is a set of tips to help you troubleshoot commonly-experienced problems:


No class definition errors received when running client code

This problem usually indicates an error in the class path setup. Check that the relevant JAR files are included.


Cannot find WSDL error

Some likely causes are:

We might also try the following checks:


Your Web service EAR file does not install correctly onto the appserver

The EAR file is probably badly formed. Verify the installation by completing the following steps:


There is a permissions problem or security error

Check that the WAS server.policy file (in the /properties directory) has the correct security settings.

See Secure WSIF.


Use WSIF with multiple clients causes a SOAP parsing error

Before you deploy a Web service to WAS, decide on the scope of the Web service. The deployment descriptor file dds.xml for the Web service includes the following line:

    <isd:provider type="java" scope="Application" ......

You can set the Scope attribute to Application or Session. The default setting is Application, and this value is correct if each request to the Web service does not require objects to be maintained for longer than a single instance. If Scope is set to Application the objects are not available to another request during the execution of the single instance, and they are released on completion. If the Web service needs objects to be maintained for multiple requests, and to be unique within each request, set the scope to Session. If Scope is set to Session, the objects are not available to another request during the life of the session, and they are released on completion of the session. If scope is set to Application instead of Session, we might get the following SOAP error:

SOAPException: SOAP-ENV:ClientParsing error, response was: FWK005 parse might not be called while parsing.; nested exception is:

[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Parsing error, response was:

FWK005 parse might not be called while parsing.; targetException=org.xml.sax.SAXException: FWK005 parse might not be called while parsing.]


JNDI lookup errors occur when using the same names for JMS messaging queues and queue connection factories that run on appservers on different machines

You should not use the same names for messaging queues and queue connection factories that run on appservers on different machines, because WSIF always looks first for JMS destinations locally, and only uses the full JNDI reference if it cannot find the destination locally. For example, if we run a Web service on a remote machine, and have an appserver running locally that uses the same names for the messaging queues and queue connection factories, then WSIF will find and use the local queues even if the remote JNDI destination is provided in full in the WSDL service definition.


A JAX-RPC client running on WAS V5 uses SOAP over JMS to invoke a Web service running on a V5 appserver. No user ID or password is required on the target MQ Series queue. After the appserver is migrated to V 6, and using V6 default messaging, client requests fail because basic authentication is now enabled

The problem appears as a log message:

SibMessage W [:] CWSIT0009W: A client request failed in the appserver with endpoint <endpoint_name> in bus <my_bus> with reason: CWSIT0016E:  The user ID null failed authentication in bus <my_bus>.

For the steps to take to resolve the problem, see the following service integration technologies troubleshooting tip: After you migrate an appserver to WAS Version 6, existing Web services clients can no longer use SOAP over JMS to access services hosted on the migrated server.


The current WSIF default SOAP provider (the IBM Web Service SOAP provider) does not interoperate fully with services that are running on the former (Apache SOAP) provider

This is because the IBM Web Service SOAP provider is designed to interoperate fully with a JAX-RPC compliant Web service, and Apache SOAP cannot provide such a service. To enable interoperation, modify either the Web service or the WSIF default SOAP provider.


Related tasks

Tracing and logging WSIF
Secure WSIF
Troubleshooting WSIF



WSIF (Web Services Invocation Framework) messages
WSIF - Known restrictions
wsif.properties file - Initial contents