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Interoperating with a C++ common object request broker architecture client

WAS supports security in the CORBA C++ client to access-protected enterprise beans. If configured, C++ CORBA clients can access protected enterprise bean methods using a client certificate to achieve mutual authentication on WAS applications.

We can achieve interoperability of Security Authentication Service between the C++ Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) client and WAS using CSIv2 authentication protocol over Remote Method Invocation over the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP). The CSIv2 security service protocol has authentication, attribute and transport layers. Among the three layers, transport authentication is conceptually simple, however, cryptographically based transport authentication is the strongest. WAS has implemented the transport authentication layer, so that C++ secure CORBA clients can use it effectively in making CORBA clients and protected enterprise bean resources work together.

Security authentication from non-Java based C++ client to enterprise beans. WAS supports security in the CORBA C++ client to access-protected enterprise beans. If configured, C++ CORBA clients can access protected enterprise bean methods using a client certificate to achieve mutual authentication on WAS applications. To support the C++ CORBA client in accessing protected enterprise beans...


  1. Obtain a valid certificate to represent the client and export its public key to the target enterprise bean server.

    A valid certificate is needed to represent the C++ client. Request a certificate from the CA or create a self-signed certificate for testing purposes.

    Use the Key Management Utility from the Global Security Kit (GSKit) to extract the public key from the personal certificate and save it in the .arm format.

  2. Prepare a truststore file for WAS. Add the extracted client public key in the .arm file from the client to the server key truststore file. The server can now authenticate the client.

    This is done by invoking the Key Management Utility through ikeyman.bat or ikeyman.sh from WAS installation.

  3. Set WAS to support SSL as the authentication mechanism.

    1. Start the admin console.

    2. Locate the appserver that has the target enterprise bean deployed and configure it to use SSL client certificate authentication.

      If it is a base installation...

      1. Click...

          Security | Global security
        Under RMI/IIOP security, click CSIv2 inbound communications. Select Supported for the Basic authentication and Client certificate authentication options. Leave the rest of the options as defaults.

      2. Click OK.

      3. Click...

          Security | Global security
        Under RMI/IIOP security, click CSIv2 inbound communications and verify that the SSL-supported option is selected under Transport.

      If it is an ND setting...

      1. Click Servers > Application Servers > server_name_where_the_EJB_resides.

      2. Under Security, click WAS security.

      3. Select the RMI/IIOP security for this server overrides cell settings option.

      4. Under Additional properties, click CSIv2 inbound communications.

      5. Select Supported for the Basic authentication and Client certificate authentication options. Leave the rest of the options as defaults.

      6. Click Servers > Application Servers > server_name_where_the_EJB_resides.

      7. Under Security, click WAS security.

      8. Under Additional properties, click CSIv2 inbound communications.

      9. Verify that the SSL-Supported option is selected.

      For details, see Set CSIv2 inbound communications and Set inbound transports.

    3. Restart the appserver.

      The WAS is ready to take a C++ CORBA security client and a mutually authenticated server and client by using SSL in the transport layer.

  4. Set the C++ CORBA client to use a certificate in performing the mutual authentication. Client users are accustomed to using property files in their applications because they are helpful in specifying settings.

    The following list presents important C++ security settings:

    Table 2. C++ security properties

    C++ security setting Description
    com.ibm.CORBA.bootstrapHostName=ricebella.mpls.setgetweb.com Target host name.
    com.ibm.CORBA.securityEnabled=yes Enables security.
    com.ibm.CSI.performTLClientAuthenticationSupported=yes Ensures client is supporting mutual authentication by certificate
    com.ibm.ssl.keyFile=C:/ricebella/etc/DummyKeyRingFile.KDB Specifies which key database file to use.
    com.ibm.ssl.keyPassword=WebAS Specifies the password for opening the key database file. WAS supports a utility called PasswordEncode4cpp to encode the plain password.
    com.ibm.CORBA.translationEnabled=1 Enables the valueType conversion.

    To use the property files in running a C++ client, an environment variable WASPROPS, is used to indicate where a property file or a list of property files exists.

    For the complete set of C++ client properties, see the sample property file scclient.props, which is shipped with WAS located in...



Related tasks

Set CSIv2 inbound communications
Set inbound transports