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CSIv2 outbound transport settings

To specify which transports and SSL settings this server uses when communicating with downstream servers for outbound requests.

  1. Click...

      Security | Global security

  2. Under Authentication, click RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 outbound transport.
We also can view this admin console by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Application servers > myserver.

  2. Under Security, click WAS security.

  3. Under Additional properties, click CSIv2 outbound transport.


Whether the client processes connect to the server using one of the server-connected transports.

We can choose to use either SSL, TCP/IP, or Both as the outbound transport that a server supports. If we specify TCP/IP, the server supports only TCP/IP and cannot initiate SSL connections with downstream servers. If we specify SSL-supported, this server can initiate either TCP/IP or SSL connections. If we specify SSL-required, this server must use SSL to initiate connections to downstream servers. When you do specify SSL, decide which set of SSL settings you want to use for the outbound configuration.

This decision determines which keyfile and trustfile to use for outbound connections to downstream servers.

Consider the following options:


If we select this option, the server opens TCP/IP connections with downstream servers only.


If we select this option, the server opens SSL connections with downstream servers.


If we select this option, the server opens SSL connections with any downstream server that supports them and opens TCP/IP connections with any downstream servers that do not support SSL.

Default: SSL-supported
Range: TCP/IP, SSL-required, SSL-supported

SSL settings

List of predefined SSL settings for outbound connections. These settings are configured at the SSL Configuration Repertoires panel.

To access the panel...

  1. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management.

  2. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations and trust zones.

  3. Expand Outbound > outbound_configuration_name.

  4. Under Related items, click SSL configurations.

Data type: String
Range: Any SSL settings that are configured in the SSL Configuration Repertoires panel

This field is available only if a V6.0.x server exists in the environment.

SSL enabled

Whether secure socket communication is enabled to the server.

Centrally managed

The selection of an SSL configuration is based upon the outbound topology view for the Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) platform.

Centrally managed configurations support one location to maintain SSL configurations rather than spreading them across the configuration documents.

Default: Enabled

Use specific SSL alias

SSL configuration alias to use for outbound SSL communications.

This option overrides the centrally managed configuration for the JNDI (LDAP) protocol.


Related tasks

Set outbound transports