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Web Services Addressing APIs


WAS provides interfaces at the application programming level to enable application developers, including developers of Web Services Resource Framework applications, to create references to, and to target, Web service resource instances. If you are a system programmer, you can use these interfaces with the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) system programming interfaces.

The programming interfaces in this topic are described in more detail in the WS-Addressing API documentation. The application programming interfaces are contained in the com.ibm.websphere.wsaddressing package and are summarized in the following diagram.

The Java class EndpointReferenceManager contains two methods: createEndpointReference and getReferenceParameterFromMessageContext. This class uses three other classes: EndpointReference (containing method setReferenceParameter), WSAConstants (containing constant WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR), and ReferenceParameterCreationException. WSAConstants and ReferenceParameterCreationException both use a further class, EndpointReferenceCreationException. These interfaces provide the following features:


Related concepts

Web Services Addressing support
Web Services Resource Framework support


Related tasks

Creating stateful Web services using the Web Services Resource Framework
Developing Applications that use Web Services Addressing


Related Reference

Web Services Addressing SPI
Example: Creating a Web service that uses the Web Services Addressing API to access a generic Web service resource instance


Related information

Reference: Generated API documentation


Reference topic