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Prepare to install ND on a Solaris system


This topic describes how to install the IBM WebSphere Application Server ND, V6 product on a Solaris platform.

Before using this topic to prepare for installing the Network Deployment product, decide the sort of topology you want to install and prepare your operating system. See the following topics for more information:



After verifying prerequisites, verifying the product disc, and setting your installation goals, you can start installing. Use one of the following links to open the installation procedure that you require. Then install the ND product on your operating system.





The installation wizard installs the product files into the installation root directory.


What to do next

Create a deployment manager profile and an appserver profile.

Use the Profile Management tool to create profiles in the default profile_root directory or in a directory that you select.

See Creating profiles through the graphical user interface.

Deploy an application to get started!

After creating an appserver profile, you can deploy an application. See Fast paths for WAS to get started deploying applications.


Related tasks

Preparing the operating system for product installation