Install WebSphere Portal Express V6 on i5
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- Hardware requirements
- Download WebSphere Portal Express images
- Display installed i5 software
- Software requirements
- Program Temporary Fixes
- Prepare the LDAP directory
- Install WAS
- Install WebSphere Portal Express from electronic images
- Install only option
- Common installation problems
- Configure WebSphere Portal Express with IBM Web Administration for i5
- Access log files via IBM Web Administration for i5
- WebSphere Portal Express product components on i5
- Identify application servers associated with the WebSphere Portal Express instance
- Start and stop portal servers from IBM Web Administration for i5
- Problem determination
- WebSphere Portal Express Version and History information
- Uninstall WebSphere Portal Express
- Post installation steps
See also
Hardware requirements
The minimum hardware requirements for WebSphere Portal Express V6 on i5 are:
Processor Power 5 System i models with at least 3800 CPW. Production environments should consider servers with a higher CPW rating. Physical memory 5 GB at a minimum. Production environments and environments featuring multiple profiles will require more memory. Disk space 7 GB to store the full set of required downloadable parts for i5/OSĀ® V5R3 and V5R4, plus 8 GB of disk space to unpack the images for both operating systems 5 GB to store the full set of required downloadable parts for either i5/OS V5R3 or i5/OS V5R4, plus 6 GB of disk space to unpack the images for one operating system
3.5 GB to install the product and 750 MB of disk space in the Temp directory to run the installation program
The following sizing resources are available...
Systems that do not meet the recommended minimums can be used in environments that support a limited number of users and where longer server initialization times can be tolerated.
Download the WebSphere Portal Express images
Each platform package...
- i5
- Windows
- Linux
...package is called an eAssembly. For instructions on how to download and assemble WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0.
6.0: WebSphere Portal Express V6.0Part numbers and corresponding description for WebSphere Portal Express V6 and product prerequisites. The instructions in this chapter are limited to downloading only the WebSphere Portal Express product images and WAS product images.
The part number for the WebSphere Portal Express V6 for i5 is CR4W3ML.
Part number Description C97Q3ML IBM WebSphere Portal Express Quick Start and Server Install, V6.0 - Setup C97Q6ML IBM WebSphere Portal Express (Disc 1 of 2) C97Q7ML IBM WebSphere Portal Express (Disc 2 of 2) C97Q8ML IBM WebSphere Portal Express, V6.0 C97QBML IBM WAS Base Version for i5 C97QCML IBM WAS Network Deployment Version for i5 i5 V5R3 only C97QDML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 1 of 4 C97QEML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 2 of 4 C97QFML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 3 of 4 C97RWML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 4 of 4 i5 V5R4 only C97QGML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 1 of 4 C97QHML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 2 of 4 C97QIML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 3 of 4 C97QJML IBM WAS Version Group PTF Vol 4 of 4 Do not use the eimages PTF group included in the WebSphere Portal Express eAssembly, rather, order the most recent WAS PTF group from IBM.
To download the WebSphere Portal Express V6 eimages for i5 access one of the following software downloads Web sites and navigate to the software downloads page:
- Download for IBM internal - Extreme Leverage
- Download for IBM business partners -IBM Software Access Catalog
- Download for IBM clients -IBM Passport Advantage
To assemble the downloaded WebSphere Portal Express V6 product images extract the following files...
Verify the i5 time zone
Verify the time zone system value is set correctly.
WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QTIMZON)If change the QTIMZON system value, on the display...
Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL)...type an option 2 (Change) next to the QTIMZON system value and press Enter. On the display...
Change System Value...we can change the time zone value.
Verify the HTTP Administration server is active
The HTTP Administration server must be active in order to access...
IBM Create WebSphere Portal Wizard for i5...from the page...
IBM Web Administration for i5To verify that the HTTP Administration server is active:
- Start the HTTP Administration server on i5 using...
STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN)...or from the iSeries Navigator, click...
My Connections | systemname | Network | Servers | TCP/IP | HTTP Administration (right-click) | StartAccess IBM Web Administration for i5/OS from a Web browser...
http://system-hostname:2001- When prompted, Log in with an i5/OS account, such as QSECOFR, that has the following authorities:
Click OK.
- Click the IBM Web Administration for i5/OS link.
Static IP address
Portal requires a static IP address. To determine an available IP address, run...
Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP)...and on the Configure TCP/IP menu, choose option 1...
Work with TCP/IP interfacesAll the currently configured IP addresses are displayed.
There must be one IP address other than defined on the system.
Verify the fully qualified host name
If the host name is listed in the i5 host table, it is required that the fully qualified host name is the first item listed after the IP address.
Along with the i5 host table, adding the fully-qualified host name to the Domain Name System (DNS) server or servers should ensure remote and client name resolution.
Update the i5 local host table with the fully-qualified host name of the WebSphere Portal server. The name resolution of the portal server by a DNS server is also a supported configuration. The host and domain names in the host table and DNS are case-sensitive.
To verify whether the system is configured with a fully-qualified host name, run...
Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP)...and on the menu...
Configure TCP/IP...choose option 12...
Change TCP/IP domain informationOn the display...
Change TCP/IP Domain (CHGTCPDMN)...Verify the fully qualified host name of the system.
Update the i5 local host table
Using an available static IP address and a fully-qualified host name for the WebSphere Portal server...
- From an i5 command line, enter the command...
Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP)...and press Enter.
- On the Configure TCP/IP menu, type option 10 (Work with TCP/IP host table entries), and press Enter.
- On the Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries display, type option 1 (Add), and press Enter.
- On the display...
Add TCP/IP Host Table Entry (ADDTCPHTE)type the IP address with the fully-qualified host name listed first.
Specify the fully qualified host name for the TCP/IP host before the non-fully qualified name. The host and domain names in the host table and DNS are case-sensitive.
- Confirm that the fully qualified host name resolves to the correct IP address by typing the following PING CL command from an i5 command line:
Verify the Relational Database Directory Entry
What is referred to as a database on other platforms correlates to a relational database (RDB) directory entry on the System i platform. Each system in the network that has a relational database must have a unique RDB directory entry name.
To verify the local database, from an i5 command line, type...
Work with Relational Database Directory Entries (WRKRDBDIRE)If the system does not have a local RDB directory entry, provide a name that can be resolved through TCP/IP on the network. Provide the same name for the RDB directory entry name as the TCP/IP name of the system....
- Use the i5 CL command of...
Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) find out what is the TCP/IP name of the system.
- Type...
Add Relational Database Directory Entry (ADDRDBDIRE)...and press F4 to prompt the command or type option 1 (Add) on the display...
Work with Relational Database Directory Entries (WRKRDBDIRE) create a new entry.
Note that there is no comparable function in the iSeries Navigator graphical interface to create a RDB directory entry.
Verify the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID)
When configuring WebSphere Portal Express to work with DB2 UDB for i5, change the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) if the default value is equal to 65535, which is not supported by DB2 UDB for i5.
Query the current system value by typing the command...
DSPSYSVAL SYSVAL(QCCSID)...from an i5 command line.
If the CCSID value shown is 65535 use the command...
Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL) change the QCCSID system value to a value that reflects the language used by most of the system. For example, for US English, you would type the following command:
Refer to Language identifiers and associated default CCSIDs in System i Information Center for a list of valid CCSIDs.
Display installed i5 software
To determine what i5 software is currently installed on the system...
- Sign on to a 5250 emulation session on the i5 instance.
- Enter...
Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC)- On the Display Software Resources display, verify the software that is installed.
- On the same display, press F11 (Display libraries/releases) to view the release level of the products installed.
We can also use iSeries Navigator to verify the currently installed licensed software on the system. From iSeries Navigator, click...
My Connections | systemname | Configuration and Service | Software | Installed ProductsThe panel on the right shows the currently installed software on the system.
DSPSFWRSC Display Software Resources GO LICPGM Display all the installed licensed programs wrkptfgrp Display and allow you to work with all installed PTF groups dspptf Display PTF status; for example, temporarily or permanently applied
Software requirements
Licensed program software for i5 that is required to run WebSphere Portal Express V6.
The WAS version required by WebSphere Portal Express is Base or Network Deployment V6.0. Other versions of WAS can coexist on the same i5 partition, but can not be used instead of the required version. For example, you may have WAS Express 6.0 or WAS Base 6.1 installed. However, install WAS Base or ND V6.0 to satisfy WebSphere Portal Express V6 requirements.
If you already have the required WAS version on the system, you do not need to reinstall it. You only need to verify that the PTF group level is at the minimum required.
Software Required, optional, or not recommended on the portal machine? Recommendation Operating system Required. i5/OS V5R3, or i5/OS V5R4 with 64 bit JVM is required to install and use WebSphere® Portal - Enable for iSeries.
The iSeries server must be in an unrestricted state, and the user profile should be user type (user class) *SECOFR.
5722SS1 i5/OS V5R3 with cumulative PTF group SF99530 level 5298 or later 5722999 i5/OS V5R4 with 64 bit JVM with cumulative PTF group SF99540 level 6024
JVM 64 bit Required. i5/OS V5R4
Copy of JVM will be installed with Portal software JDKit 1.4 Required. Necessary for Java development.
5722JV1 Host servers Required. Required for remote installation.
5733SS1 (Option 12) Host Servers QShell interpreter Required. Required to use scripts in WAS, prior to local installation of WebSphere® Portal .
5722SS1 (Option 30) QShell Interpreter Application environment Required. Required before configuring WebSphere® Portal
5722SS1 (Option 33) Portable Application Solution Environment (PASE) 5722SS1 (Option 43) OS/400 Additional Fonts (supports Xserver Virtual Frame Buffer)
These options are available on the iSeries product CD.
HTTP server Required. Not needed for installation, but required to support requests for servlets and JSP resources that you want to be handled by an HTTP server residing natively on iSeries. If you plan to deploy only enterprise beans, it is not needed.
5722DG1 HTTP Server for iSeries IBM® HTTP Web server versions, 6.0, 6.01 and 6.02 support OS/400 Lotus Domino Enterprise Server versions 6.0.3, 6.0.5, 6.5.1, or 6.5.4 support OS/400 TCP/IP Required. Required if you plan to use TCP/IP as the network protocol.
5722TC1 TCP/IP Utilities Application server Required. WAS must be installed before installing WebSphere® Portal.WAS and WebSphere® Portal must be installed on the same machine.
5724-J08 WAS V6.0.2.9 or later
5724-H88 WAS Network Deployment V6.0.2.9 or later
5724-i63 WAS V6.0.2.9 or later Express
Application server - Client Required. Necessary for client development and run time.
5733W51 (Option 1) WAS Client development and run time Application server - Run time Required. Necessary for application server run time.
5733W51 (Option 2) WAS run time Application server - Samples Required. Necessary for application server samples.
5733W51 (Option 3) WAS samples iSeries tools Required. Necessary for iSeries
5799PTL iSeries Tools for Developers PRPQ (or OS/400 - Additional Fonts (5722SS1, Option 43) equivalent) Database Required. After installing WebSphere® Portal. The type of database is the choice.
Cloudscape is installed with WebSphere® Portal, and DB2 configuration tasks are provided after the initial portal install. But use any database that can run on iSeries.
OS/400 DB/2 comes natively with iSeries Network deployment Optional: Not required for installation. 5724-H88 WAS Network Deployment V6.0.2.9 or later Digital Certificate Manager Optional: Not required for installation, but required if you plan to use SSL protocol. 5722SS1 (Option 34) Digital Certificate Manager (Refer to WAS, using SSL) Cryptographic Access Provider Optional: Not required for installation, but required if you plan to use SSL. This is provided in WAS Base V6.0.2.5 or later.
5722AC2 or 5722AC3 Crypto (Refer to WAS) Query Manager and SQL development kits Optional: Can be helpful in developing client applications. 5722ST1 DB2 Query Manager and SQL Development Kit
Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs)
Always make sure the latest i5 Cumulative Program Temporary Fix (PTF) package is installed.
Specific PTFs required to be loaded on the system depend on the version and release of i5 that is used and the software products that are installed on the system.
Portal requires both individual and group PTF packages. Each package usually includes specific installation instructions.
Also, the IBM Create WebSphere Portal Wizard for i5 verifies that the required individual and group PTFs are installed prior to configuring a portal server.
To order or download System i PTFs, see...
Required i5 V5R3 PTFs
Install or verify the PTF groups listed below for i5 V5R3. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is installed before installing PTFs.
It is a good practice to update the PTF level on the system to the latest level before installing WebSphere Portal Express.
For latest PTF Group information refer to the Preventive Service Planning Web
Required i5 V5R3 group PTFs for WebSphere Portal Express
Group PTF Description Minimum level SF99530 Cumulative PTF package 5298 SF99503 DB2 Universal Database for i5 8 SF99301 WAS V6 16 SF99269 Java 9 SF99099 IBM HTTP Server for i5 131 SF99173 IBM Business Solutions (Only required if IBM Business Solutions (5722-BZ1) is installed.) 3 SF99295 WebSphere MQ for iSeries Version 5, Release 3 (Only required if WebSphere MQ for iSeries (5724-B41) is installed.) 11 1 SF990099 level 13 includes support for WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 configuration in IBM Web Administration for i5.
The following individual PTFs must be installed on the system before installing WebSphere Portal Express. Use the command...
Display PTF (DSPPTF) verify that the PTF is installed or superseded.
- 5722-SS1- PTF SI24550
- 5722XH2 - SI25551 (PTF is for 5722XH2 V5R4 but can be installed on i5 V5R3)
- 5722-DG1 SI27057 is only required for WebSphere Portal ExpressV6.0 support in IBM Web Administration for i5.
Note: Because the CUMULATIVE marker PTF can be ordered by itself, the DSPPTF command for the TLXXXXX/TCXXXXX/TAXXXXX marker PTFs should no longer be used to determine what level of CUMULATIVE a user has on the system. Running the WRKPTFGRP command is the only reliable way of determining that a user has all the appropriate PTFs for a given group level. This has been the case since V5R2.
For more info see:
Required i5 V5R4 PTFs
Install or verify the PTF groups listed in Table 2-5 for i5 V5R4. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is installed before installing PTFs.
Tip: It is a good practice to update the PTF level on the system to the latest level before installing WebSphere Portal Express. For latest PTF Group information refer to the Preventive Service Planning Web.
Table 2-5 Required i5 V5R4 group PTFs for WebSphere Portal Express
Group PTF Description Minimum level SF99540 Cumulative PTF package 6024 SF99504 DB2 Universal Database for i5 2 SF99312 WAS V6 6 SF99291 Java 2 SF99114 IBM HTTP Server for i5 81 SF99173 IBM Business Solutions (Only required if IBM Business Solutions (5722-BZ1) is installed.) 3 SF99296 WebSphere MQ for iSeries Version 5, Release 3 (Required if WebSphere MQ for iSeries (5724-B41) is installed.) 5 1 SF99114 level 8 includes support for WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 configuration in IBM Web Administration for i5.
The following individual PTFs must be installed on the system before installing WebSphere Portal Express. Use the command...
Display PTF (DSPPTF) verify that the PTF is installed or superseded.
- 5722SS1 - SI24505
- 5722SS1 - SI24569
- 5722SS1 - SI24629
- 5722999 - MF40746
- 5722999 - MF40747
- 5722XH2 - SI25551
- 5722DG1
SI27058 is only required for WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 support in IBM Web Administration for i5.
Verify group PTF
To verify that the correct group PTF levels are installed on the system...
- Sign on to a 5250 emulation session on the i5 instance.
- Enter...
Work with PTF Groups (WRKPTFGRP)- The Work with PTF Groups display lists the group PTFs installed on the system, as well the level. Verify that each group PTF shows a status of Installed.
- The initial Work with PTF Groups display provides limited information. For a more descriptive display of the group PTF information, press F11 (Display descriptions) and you see the group PTF descriptions.
Tip: Verify the status of the PTF groups again immediately before the WebSphere Portal Express installation to ensure that all the groups are in Installed status.
Portal Fixes
Download Portal and application server fixes from...
Prepare the LDAP directory
WebSphere Portal Express V6 on i5 supports the following LDAP servers:
- IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server V6.5.x, or V7.0.x
- IBM Directory Server V5.1 (which is shipped with i5 V5R3)
- IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6, V5.2 (which is shipped with i5 V5R4)
- Microsoft Active Directory 2003, 2000
- Novell eDirectory
- Sun One Directory Server V5.2 with Fix Pack 3
Install WebSphere Application Server
For WAS installation instructions refer to...
WebSphere Application Server for i5 Information Center.If you have physical CD install media, place in the CD-ROM drive of the workstation to start the installation.
If you downloaded and extracted the eimages, start the WAS installation by double-clicking install.exe
After installing WAS, change the runtime usage limit by running...
Install the WebSphere Application Server PTF group
IBM recommends ordering the latest PTF group for WAS, rather than using the PTF group shipped with Portal, before installing the WebSphere Portal Express.
If you prefer to use the PTF group included in the eAssembly, refer to the instructions instruct.txt file in the readme subdirectory.
Regardless which WAS PTF group you decide to install (the latest one ordered from IBM or the one shipped in the WebSphere Portal Express V6 eAssembly package), run the UPDATE script to complete the fixpack installation after installing the PTF group. The instructions for WebSphere Application WAS V6 is in the following i5 integrated file system directory:
For WAS Network Deployment V6, the instructions are in...
The fix pack install instructions can be found online.
Also see Install WAS fixpack
Verify the WAS environment
To verify the WAS installation:
- Sign on to a 5250 emulation session.
- Start the QWAS6 subsystem:
- Enter...
Start QSH (STRQSH)- Run the WAS installation verification tool (ivt script):
/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/base/bin/ivt server1 default
- Look for the successful completion messages:
IVTL0070I: IVT Verification Succeeded
IVTL0080I: Installation Verification is completeIf the verification is not successful, fix the problems before you proceed.
- Run the following commands to check the prerequisites:
cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/base/bin/
checkprereqsYou should look for any missing PTF or QCCSID value not set correctly. The following messages show problems in the environment:
CFGV7902I: Warnings:PRQV1013W: Required PTF group SF99114 not applied. PRQV1103W: 65535 not recommended for system value QCCSID.
The following messages show successful verification of prerequisites:
CFGV7900I: Summary: CFGV7901I: Informational:PRQV1003I: Optional product 5769LNT option 0000 not installed. PRQV1003I: Optional product 5733LD6 option 0000 not installed.
- Verify successful installation of the WAS fixpack:
- From an i5 command line, enter the following command replacing...
<edition>...with Base or ND and...
6.0.2-WS-WAS-OS400PPC64-FPfull0015.install...with the fixpack number installed on the system:
edtf '/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/<edition>/logs/update/6.0.2-WS-WAS-OS 400PPC64-FPfull0015.install/updatelog.txt'
- Look for the fixpack successful installation message:
INSTCONFSUCCESS- Switch to the QSHELL environment by entering the command STRQSH.
- At the QSH Command Entry enter...
cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/base/bin
versioninfoFrom the same QSHELL Command Entry, enter historyinfo and press Enter.
Verify Maintenance Package ID is...
6.0.2-WS-WAS-OS400PPC64-FPfull0015...or later, for all components.
Install WebSphere Portal Express from electronic images
After assembling the e-images proceed to installing WebSphere Portal Express V6 on the System i machine. You must have a user profile with *IOSYSCFG, *ALLOBJ, and *JOBCTL special authorities to perform the installation.
Do not use the QSECOFR user profile to perform the WebSphere Portal Express installation.
We can select one of two install options:
- Install and Configure
- Install only
The easiest way to get WebSphere Portal Express up and running on i5 is to select the Install only installation option and then configure the portal profile using the IBM Web Administration for i5.
If for some reason you are not able to use IBM Web Administration for i5 to configure the portal environment (for example, you want to configure the portal profile on WAS ND), use the Install and Configure option.
To install WebSphere Portal Express:
- Run...
Start Subsystems (STRSBS) start the following subsystems...
- Start the host servers by issuing the command...
STRHOSTSVR SERVER(*ALL) i- Make sure that we can successfully ping the host name of the System i machine from the PC you are using to install WebSphere Portal Express.
- Proceed with the WebSphere Portal Express installation.
Install only option
- From a DOS session, change the current directory by entering the following command
cd c:\PortalExpress6001.
- Double-click on the setup.exe to run the Launchpad.
- Click Install and select Launch the installation wizard for i5.
- On the Signon to the Server window, enter the following information...
System Your System i host name. User ID A System i user profile with *IOSYSCFG, *JOBCTL, and *ALLOBJ authorities. Do not use QSECOFR. Password The user ID's password. Click OK.
- On the Installer window, select the language for the InstallShield for Multi Platforms (ISMP) program.
- On the WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 Installer window, click Next. The installation wizard then performs prerequisite checking before starting the installation.
- On the Software License Agreement window, accept the license terms and click Next.
- On the Basic Configuration Option window, select the Install only option to install the WebSphere Portal Express Version 6 code in the i5 integrated file system directory of...
/QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6In this example, we perform the WebSphere Portal Express server configuration later using the IBM Web Administration for i5. Click Next.
The remote installation of the product files can take approximately 15 minutes. At this point, the file...
/tmp/Installshield/ created in the i5 integrated file system directory and is removed after the installation has been completed. If a previous attempt to install the product has not finished successfully, you might see an error message now and need to delete portalinstall.lockfile before we can continue.
- WebSphere Portal Express is ready to install. Click Next.
- Notice the location of the installation logs.
- The installation image files are copied to...
- The progress indicator may not move during the copy of the installation images files to the ProdData directory, however the installation is still progressing. Do not cancel it, just wait.
- The WebSphere Portal Express product library and databases are restored. At the successful installation message take note of the log directory and click Finish.
Install and Configure option
We can select the Install and Configure option only for initial product installation and profile configuration....
- On the Basic Configuration Option window, select...
Install and ConfigureA port number is automatically chosen by the installation program when the profile is created. The starting port is based on a range of 50 free ports within ports 10000 to 65000. The installation attempts to detect port conflicts with servers that are started on the system when the installation and configuration option runs. If for some reason the installation program cannot detect ports for WAS or WebSphere Portal Express a warning message pops up stating that there was a problem detecting ports.
- Select the WAS version and click Next.
- Enter the administrative user ID and password to be used for the portal administrator and WAS administrator. The same user ID and password will be used for both administrators.
The same password is used for the user profile that owns the portal databases (wpdb2ins by default). The password must comply with the i5 password rules, otherwise the portal profile creation will fail.
- WebSphere Portal Express is ready to install. Click Next.
- Notice the location of the installation logs. Click Next.
- The installation image files are copied to the i5 integrated file system directory of...
/QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6- The progress indicator may not move during the extracting and configuring of the WebSphere Portal Express installation files, however the installation is still progressing. Do not cancel it, just wait.
- Once the installation has completed successfully. Copy the URL to access the portal from the Web browser.
Common installation problems
Prerequisites not verified properly
These issues are related to prerequisite products or PTFs missing or in Failed or Not installed status. Verify the prerequisite products and PTF immediately before performing the WebSphere Portal Express installation and configuration.
Problems extracting electronic product images
These issues are related to problems downloading or extracting the electronic product images. For example, if you are installing from electronic images and you are prompted to install the next CD, this is a symptom that there is a problem with the files extracted in the download directory.
Corrupted Archive directories
One or more archive subdirectory in...
\QIBM\ProdData\PortalExpress\V6\ empty or has a file size of 0 bytes. Archive1 being corrupted (empty) as an example of this problem.
If you run into this problem and are configuring portal with IBM Web Administration for i5, you will see the error....
If you run into this problem, uninstall and reinstall WebSphere Portal Express.
Portal Express installation does not start after failed installation attempt
When the WebSphere Portal Express installation begins, the file /tmp/Installshield/portalinstall.lockfile is created in the i5 integrated file system and is removed after the installation has been completed. If a previous attempt to install the product has not finished successfully, you might see an error message or notice that the installation does not proceed. If the file /tmp/Installshield/portalinstall.lockfile exists on the system, delete it before you starting a new installation.
Verify the WebSphere Portal Express installation
To verify the successful installation of WebSphere Portal Express on i5:
- Check the product directory of...
- Verify that WebSphere Portal Express shows up in the i5 software inventory:
- Start iSeries Navigator.
- Right-click on the name of the System i machine.
- Select Inventory | Collect.
- Select Software and click OK.
- Expand Management Central and double-click Endpoint Systems.
- Double-click the name of the System i machine.
- Double-click Configuration and Services.
- Double-click Software Inventory.
- Double-click Installed Products. There should be an entry of WebSphere Portal Express V6.0.
- Check the installation logs.
Configure WebSphere Portal Express with IBM Web Administration for i5
The Create New WebSphere Portal wizard in IBM Web Administration for i5 supports WebSphere Portal Express V6 with the following PTFs:
- i5 V5R3 - 5722-DG1 SI27057 or PTF group SF99099 level 13.
- i5 V5R4 - 5722-DG1 SI27058 or PTF group SF99114 level 8.
The following limitations apply to WebSphere Portal Express profiles created with IBM Web Administration for i5:
- Creation of the portal profile on WAS ND is not supported
- Remote portal database is not supported.
- Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) 2003 is not supported
Perform the following steps:
- Start the administrative HTTP server...
STRSBS SBSD(QWAS6/QWAS6)- Launch the IBM Web Administration for i5 tool... Log in using a user profile with *IOSYSCFG, *ALLOBJ, and *JOBCTL special authorities. Do not use QSECOFR.
- Click IBM Web Administration for i5.
- Click Create WebSphere Portal.
- Click Next
- Select WebSphere Portal Express V6.0.0.1 and click Next
- Enter the WebSphere Portal Express server name and click Next.
- Specify the first port in the range to be assigned to the portal profile and click Next. The wizard verifies that the port range you specify is correct, and no port in the range is in use. If another server is configured using any of the ports in the specified range, an error message is displayed, and we cannot proceed until a range of free ports is chosen
- Specify a user profile for the owner of the portal database and select the naming convention for the portal databases (based on purpose or portal profile name). Click Next .
Important: The password for this user profile is the same value as the portal administrator password which is specified later in the wizard. This password must follow the System i password rules.
- Select Do no use proxy and click Next.
- Many of the portlets included in WebSphere Portal Express are deployed by default .
- Select Web Content Management Authoring if you want to deploy the WCM authoring environment in this portal profile. Select iSeries Access for Web portlets if you want to access information on the System i through the portal. Click Next.
- We are not showing the integration with Lotus Collaborative Components in this scenario therefore don't select any of the servers. Click Next.
- Enter the LDAP server host name. By default security will be configured with Realm support. Realm support will allow you to use virtual portals in the future. We can select to configure security using LDAP without Realm support or to configure security using LDAP at a later time.
- Specify an LDAP user DN and password that has write access to the LDAP directory. The LDAP administrator value is recommended.
If we can not provide a user with write access to the directory, work with the LDAP administrator to prepare the LDAP directory for portal.
- The Portal server utilizes LDAP to store user information for authentication purposes. The wizard will create the portal administrator user (for example, wpsadmin) and group (for example, wpsadmins) in the users and groups containers under the default LDAP suffix. If you want to use an LDAP suffix other than the default to store users and groups, we need to prepare the LDAP directory for portal.
At the screen click Next if you use the default LDAP suffix, for users and click Browse to select a parent DN other than the default suffix.
- Select a suffix for cn=users under a parent DN other than the default. Verify that...
cn=users, dc=…... appears at the bottom.
- If you are using an LDAP suffix other than the default suffix, click Browse in the Information describing the administrative group entry section.
- Select a suffix for cn=groups under a parent DN other than the default. Verify that...
cn=groups, dc=…... appears at the bottom.
- Final LDAP users and groups selection. Click Next.
- Enter the password for the Portal administrator which will also be the WAS administrator's user ID and password.
Important: The password specified for this administrator will also be used for the password of the database owner User ID. The password entered must comply with the system password rules.
- If you are not planning to configure single sign-on (SSO) with multiple Web servers, accept the defaults and click Next.
- Select Do not configure Identity Tokens and click Next.
- Review the configuration and click Finish.
- The process to complete the configuration will now run for a few hours (two to four hours depending on the size of the system). We can close the browser now; the configuration will continue.
When the portal configuration ends, we can access the portal server by clicking the URL .
- Login to the portal and navigate through the pages and portlets.Check the SystemOut.log for error messages.
Access log files via IBM Web Administration for i5
We can display the logs for a configuration step by placing the mouse over the step and clicking View the detailed list of tasks.
We can display all the WAS and WebSphere Portal Express logs associated with a portal profile at any time.
Problem Determination | View Logs...and select the WAS or Portal tabs
Click View Creation Logs to view detailed task information and error logs that were created during the portal configuration process..
Click View Create Summary to display the list of attributes used when the portal profile was configured.
WebSphere Portal Express product components on i5
WebSphere Portal Express components are installed under the Prod Data portal_server_root...
Profiles can be found in...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/<version>/profiles/<profile_name>...where <version> is BASE or ND and <profile_name> is wp_profile for the first profile, and wp_profileX for the subsequent profiles, where X is an incremental number.
The default naming convention can be altered by using command line arguments...
wp_profile, wp_profile1, wp_profile2, ...User specified...
-W iSeriesdetectProfileAction.profileName=my_profile1We can also specify profile names using IBM Web Administration for i5
Application servers
Two application servers are created for a portal profile.
Only WebSphere_Portal needs to be started at run time.
server1 Admin application server WebSphere_Portal Portal application server
Port assignment
50 consecutive ports are assigned to a portal profile. The first 25 ports are used for server1 and the remaining for WebSphere_Portal.Default starts at 10000.
Port conflicts are checked against started servers
User specified:
-W iSeriesStartingPort.startingPort=12345Port conflicts are not checked for user specified ports.
Using IBM Web Administration for i5 a user can also specify desired port values. Defaults to first available port range. Checks for port conflicts against all configured WAS instances and profiles.
Database owner user profile
User profile that owns the portal databases.
wpdb2ins for the first profile
wpdb2insX for the subsequent profiles where X is an incremental number
- wpdb2ins
- wpdb2ins1
- wpdb2ins2
- ..
User specified:
-W iSeriesDB2Database.user=mydb2insUsing IBM Web Administration for i5 a user can specify desired value. Defaults to...
- wpsdb2ins
- wpdb2ins1
Note that the password for the database owner user profile is the same password specified for the portal administrator. The password must comply with the System i password rules otherwise the portal profile creation will fail.
DB2 database schemes
Default schema names (libraries) for the first WebSphere Portal Express profile created with WAS Base...
Description Schema name Community WPECMM Customer WPECST Feedback WPEFDB JCR WPEJCR LikeMinds WPELKM Release WPEREL WMM WPEWMM The second profile configuration will follow the same naming convention adding a sequence number at the end of the name, for example...
- etc
Default schema names (libraries) for the first WebSphere Portal Express profile created with WAS ND.
Database purpose and default names for first portal profile created on WAS ND
Description Schema name Community WPENCMM Customer WPENCST Feedback WPENFDB JCR WPENJCR LikeMinds WPENLKM Release WPENREL WMM WPENWMM IBM Web Administration for i5: users can choose between naming databases based on their purpose or based on the profile name, for example WP_PROFILE. Creation of portal profiles on WAS ND is not supported.
Identify application servers associated with the WebSphere Portal Express instance
If you have more than one WebSphere Portal profile on the System i there will be multiple WEBSPHERE_ jobs in the QWAS6 subsystem. To determine which job goes with which profile...
- Display the jobs running in the QWAS6 subsystem. From a 5250 Command Entry session enter the command WRKACTJOB SBS(QWAS6)
- Enter 5, Work with by the WEBSPHERE_ job
- Select 10, Display job log. Note the portal profile name
Start and stop portal servers from IBM Web Administration for i5
- Access Web Administration for i5 by going to...
http://<System_i_model>:2001/HTTPAdmin.- Select the WebSphere_Portal application server for the instance.
- Click the Stop button.
- Select the portal components that you want to stop and click Stop.
- To start the servers for the portal profile, click the Start button.
- Select the servers you want to start, and click Start. Do no start server1.
Problem determination
This section includes some useful information that you should collect to analyze WebSphere Portal Express installation and configuration problems or report problems to IBM.The following steps provide an overview of the tasks the we need to perform when installation or configuration problems occur.
- Check the status of the prerequisite PTFs and prerequisite WAS product.
- Check the WebSphere Portal Express installation logs and ConfigTrace.log.
- Check the WAS log files at...
- Check the LocalizeTrace.log file The ConfigTrace.log contains the following information:
- Configuration task that was run
- Property values associated with the task
- Outcome of the task: BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUIL FAILED
To read the ConfigTrace.log file, start at the bottom and look for BUILD FAILED then scroll up to see which task was the last one to run.
Tip: We recommend that you archive the configuration logs after initial profile configuration and before running configuration tasks. Move the existing configuration logs to a log archive directory and restart the WebSphere_Portal server to generate new configuration logs.
Installation log files
Install logs are store in the directory Integrated File System (IFS) /tmp/InstallShield. Table 3-3 lists the log files that are created during WebSphere Portal Express installation.For
more information on log files and tracing refer to WebSphere Portal Express InformationCenter.Table 3-3 WebSphere Portal Express installation log files
Log file name Description Problem symptoms wpinstalllog.txt Contains trace information that is generated by the installation program Check this log if the WebSphere Portal Express installation stops before successful completion. wpinstalllog_base.txt This file contains a copy of wpinstalllog.txt before configuring Check this log if the WebSphere Portal Express configuration onto a WAS base profile stops before successful completion installmessages.txt Contains messages that are generated during installation. Check this log for errors generated during installation. installtraces1.txt installtraces2.txt installtraces3.txt Contain trace information generated by the dependency checking function. Output is added to installtraces1.txt until it reaches a predefined size, at which point output goes into installtraces2.txt and then into installtraces3.txt. When installtraces3.txt is full, output reverts to installtraces1.txt and overwrites previous trace information. Check these files if there are problems with component discovery and dependency checking.
Configuration log files
Configuration logs are generated as a result of selecting the Install and Configure option of the installation program, or by running portal configuration tasks and installing fixpacks.
Configuration logs are stored in...
Tip: We recommend that you archive the configuration logs after initial profile configuration and before running configuration tasks. Move the existing configuration logs to a log archive directory and restart the WebSphere_Portal server to generate new configuration logs.
WebSphere Portal Express configuration log files:
Log file name Description Problem symptoms LocalizeConfigTrace.log LocalizeConfigTrace1.logt Contain trace information on the create-all-db configuration task. Output is added to LocalizeConfigTrace.log until it reaches a predefined size, at which point output goes into LocalizeConfigTrace1.log. When LocalizeConfigTrace1.log is full, output reverts to LocalizeConfigTrace.log and overwrites previous trace information. Check these logs if you have trouble creating databases. LocalizeTrace.log LocalizeTrace.log is a subset of LocalizeConfigTrace.log and contains actual commands entered. Check this log for errors generated during installation. ConfigTrace.log ConfigTrace1.log ConfigTraceMessages.log Contains trace information on configuration tasks. Check this log for errors during configuration tasks. Look for BUILD FAILED messages. rstdb2schema.log Contains information about the creation of the portal databases. Check this log for errors in the portal database configuration. The following localization log files are stored temporarily in the /tmp directory.
- /tmp/LocalizeTrace.log
- /tmp/LocalizeErr.log
- /tmp/LocalizeProgress.log
When the localization is completed, these logs are copied to the directory
\QIBM\UserData\WebSphere\AppServer\V6\<version>\profiles\<wp_profile>\PortalServer\logIf the localization fails before the files are copied from the /tmp directory, look for the localization files in the temporary location.
WebSphere Portal Express Version and History information
The WebSphere Portal Express Version information tool can be used to gather information about the WebSphere Portal Express product.It provides a snapshot of the product directories, installed components and versions. To run the Version information tool:
- From a 5250 session enter the QSHELL environment enter the command STRQSH
- Enter the following command (replace Base by the WAS version and wp_profile1 by the portal profile name:
cd /qibm/userdata/websphere/appserver/v6/Base/profiles/wp_profile1/portalserver/bin
- Enter the following command to direct the output to a text file in the IFS. | iconv -f 37 -t 819 > /tmp/wpversioninfo.txt
Uninstall WebSphere Portal Express
Remove all profiles before uninstalling WebSphere Portal Express.
/qibm/proddata/PortalExpress/v6/uninstall/ -profileName wp_profile -username wpsadmin -password wpsadmin
To uninstall, run...
Upgrade to Websphere Portal Express version 6.0.1
This appendix describes how to upgrade from Websphere Portal Express Version to Version 6.0.1 on the i5.
Important: While this document assumes you are already running Websphere Portal Express, refer to the following link to ensure you meet all the necessary software and Group PTFs requirements refer to
Author Comment: Need to add the link to the software and group ptf prerequisites
Keep the following recommendations in mind to ensure a smooth upgrade:
- Make sure all the necessary passwords in the and are filled in. The upgrade can be unnecessarily lengthy if any required passwords are missing.
- If you are using or have deployed custom themes, skins, screens in the environment, make sure they are deployed in a production mode.
Refer to Deploying customized themes and skins
While the installation process takes extra steps to save the existing wps.ear application, an improperly deployed customer themes, skins,jsps,etc can prevent the server from being fully functional after the upgrade
- If you do not have any customized screens in wps.ear application set the following parameter in the file:
Prepare for an upgrade
- Make sure you are at least at the following Websphere Application Server Group PTF level:
- For i5 V5R3: WebSphere PTF group SF99301 (level 21 or higher)
- For i5 V5R4: PTF group SF99312 (level 11 or higher)
As part of the Websphere Application Server fix strategy you have to have run an update command after the PTFs are applied to properly apply the fixes. The steps boil down to...
- End the QWAS6 subsystem if active: ENDSBS SBS(QWAS6)
- Start the host servers if they are not active: STRHOSTSVR *ALL
- Run the following update command:
STRQSH CMD('/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/update')
- Download the following files from the Support Web site, we need the IBM username and password:
- Extract and transfer the zip files to i5:
a. For
i. Create a folder called update in /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6 using QSH
mkdir /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update
ii. Extract the 6.0.1-WP-Multi-RP001.jar from the zip file and transfer the resulting files and folders to the newly created /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update Folder.
b. For
i. Create a folder called update in /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6 using QSH
mkdir /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update/fixpacksii. Extract the 6.0.1-WP-Multi-RP001.jar from the zip file and transfer it to the newly created folder /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update/fixpacks
c. For
i. Unzip the and any contained zip files to obtain at least the following interim fixes with the *.pak extension.Do not attempt to unzip or unpack the *.pak files.
ii. Transfer or ftp the *.pak files to the following folder
If you are running the Network Deployment option, transfer to the folder below
- Install the required interim Websphere Application Server fixes (*.pak files) as follows
a. Change directory to the maintenance folder. If you are running the Network Deployment option, replace Base with ND in the command below
cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance
a. Run the update command in the maintenance folder to apply all the interim fix.Here are the individual command.If you are running the Network Deployment option, replace Base with ND in the commands below
update -W maintenance.package=" /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance/PK37272_ifix.pak"
update -W maintenance.package=" /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance/"
update -W maintenance.package=" /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance/"
update -W maintenance.package=" /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance/"
update -W maintenance.package ="/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/updateinstaller/maintenance/"
- The Installation process remove the plain text passwords from various properties files in /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/co nfig folder notably
If you want to keep these passwords, add the following line to the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/portalexpress/PortalServer/con fig file
- Websphere Portal Server search collections are not compatible between versions. This may be an issue in environments with multiple versions. To ensure existing search collections are preserved and not replaced by the installation process you may need to export the current collection and later import to the new version after upgrade.
- Change the timeout request for the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) client; the default value is 180 seconds
a. From the i5 command line, edit the soap.client.props file in the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/properties For example, for a profile called portalexpress:
EDTF STMF('/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/portalexpress/properties/s oap.client.props')
b. Change the timeout request line and set as follow
c. Save the changes.
- Using the Websphere Administrative Console, change HTTP connection timeout value for the various HTTP transport chains for WebSphere_Portal server web container.
- Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
- Click...
Servers | Application Servers | WebSphere_Portal | Web Container settings | Web container transport chains
For each of the transport chains listed(usually four); i. Click HTTP Inbound Channel ii. Change the value of Read timeout to 180 iii. Change the value of Write timeout to 180 iv. Click Apply and OK.
Save all the changes.
- From the i5 command line, edit open the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/co nfig/ and fill in the appropriate values for the following parameters
- PortalAdminPwd
- WasPassword
- From the i5 command line, edit open...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/config/ fill in the appropriate values for the following parameters...
- release.DbPassword
- customization.DbPassword
- community.DbPassword
- jcr.DbPassword
- wmm.DbPassword
- feedback.DbPassword
- likeminds.DbPassword
- designer.DbPassword
The passwords for the databases are all the same and usually set to the same value as the Portal administrator password
Upgrade to Websphere Portal Express Version 6.0.1
- From the QSH environment set the following command to set up the java environment for the installation process
For Base:
export WAS_PROD_HOME=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/BaseFor Network Deployment (ND):
export WAS_PROD_HOME=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND
- Stop all the servers. If you are running the Network Deployment option, replace Base with ND in the sequence of commands below
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/bin
stopServer server1 -profileName <profile_root> -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
stopServer WebSphere_Portal -profileName <profile_name> -user was_admin -password was_admin_pwd
- Install the fixpack. If you are running the Network Deployment option, replace Base with ND in the sequence of commands below
cd /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update -install -installDir "/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer" -fixpack -fixpackDir "/QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update/fixpacks" -fixpackID WP_PTF_601
For example. For a profile called Express60 the following would be used -install -installDir "/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/Express60/PortalServer" -fixpack -fixpackDir "/QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/update/fixpacks" -fixpackID WP_PTF_601
- The installation runs for a few hours.The output is generated in the configtrace.log file of the profile being upgrade. In the example used above the out would be found in
If it errs out, correct the errors and rerun the command again
Post installation steps
The installation process does not automatically update the screens in the wps.ear application even though it updates other resources, such as themes, skins, jsps, etc. To have the screens updates automatically update the with an entry...
CopyWpsEarScreens=trueIf you have not customized screens, then have the installation process automatically update. Below is the a list screen files that have been modified in Websphere Portal Express Version 6.0.1. The files have been placed in...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/fixes...during the upgrade process and you are required to manually merge the updated files into the wps.ear file
/screens/wml/SelectPage.jspThe basic steps for merging these new screens with the existing ones in the wps.ear application. are described in Deploying customized themes and skins The caveat here is you would replace/add screen files instead of the usual themes and skins files. Here is an example of the process
- Export the WebSphere Portal EAR file, wps.ear as follows with QSH environment
a. Change directory to the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/bin folder
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/bin
b. Invoke the wsadmin utility to extract and export the wps.ear application to a temporary directory. Note that the directory should already exist.
wsadmin -profileName <profile_root> -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -c '$AdminApp export wps <directory>/wps.ear'
- Use the EARExpander tool to expand the contents of the exported EAR file
a. Create a directory called wps_expanded preferably in the same folder where wps.ear was exported
mkdir <directory>/wps_expanded
b. Run the EARExpander to expand the application the newly created folder.
EARExpander -ear directory/wps.ear -operationDir <directory>/wps_expanded -operation expand
- Compare and add to or replace the screens in...
<directory>/wps_expanded/wps.war/screens/html/...with the new ones that exist in...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/fixes/wps.ear/wps.ear/wps.war/screens/html- Rename the current exported wps.ear
mv <directory>/wps.ear <directory>/wpsold.ear
- Use the EARExpander command to collapse the EAR directory back into a new and updated wps EAR file:
EARExpander -ear <directory>/wps.ear -operationDir <directory>/wps_expanded -operation collapse
- Use the wsadmin command to update the WebSphere Portal EAR
wsadmin -profileName profile -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -c '$AdminApp install <directory>/wps.ear {-update -appname wps -nodeployejb}'
- The installation process automatically deletes passwords during the install.The passwords are preserved if you set PWordDelete=false in the You may manually delete passwords after running the upgrade using the following:
a. Add the following parameter to the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/config/wpco file
b. Run the command to delete the password
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/config -profileName profile action-delete-passwords-601
- If you are running IWWCM...
- Redeploy the customizations, including customized JSPs to the Web Content Management enterprise application and the customized local rendering portlet using the same process you employed initially to deploy them.
Refresh all existing items by opening and saving each item. To do this run the RefreshAllItems task by entering the following URL in a Web browser, replacing the hostname with the one appropriate to the environment:.Note that this option will update the last saved date to the current date and time. ibraryname
If you wish to preserve the last saved date of each item use the following URL instead, again replacing hostname with the appropriate values for the environment.
Important:Note: The Web content storage format used in the 6.0 release of WebSphere Portal was updated in the 6.0.1 cumulative fix. Any data created in 6.0.1, or upgraded from a 6.0 release using the "RefreshAllItems" task is not compatible with the 6.0 release of WebSphere Portal. If you uninstall the 6.0.1 cumulative fix, you will need to install the cumulative fix for WebSphere Portal.
Backup the 6.0 database prior to running the "RefreshAllItems" task. This will allow you to restore any Web content created prior to installing the 6.0.1 cumulative fix to a 6.0 version of WebSphere Portal.
- Using the WebSphere Administrative Console, remap WebSphere Portal to the external web server
- Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
- Click Applications > Enterprise Applications
- Navigate to and click wps
- Click on Map modules to servers.
- Select all four of the modules shown
- From the Clusters and Servers drop-down menu, select both the web server and the Websphere Portal. You may need to hold down the ctrl key to be able to select both. Click Apply next to the Clusters and Servers window
- Click Apply at the bottom of the screen and save all changes
- Using the WebSphere Administrative Console, Regenerate the Apache HTTP Server plugin
- Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
- Click Servers > Web servers
- Select the plugin and click Generate Plugin
- click Propagate Plugin. If you are using a remote web server you may have to copy the plugin to the remote web server.
- Restart the IBM WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 Server. Restart the associated HTTP server as well.
- Use any of the following methods to confirm that the IBM WebSphere Portal Express Server has been successfully upgraded to Version 6.0.1.
- You would also need to restart theIBM Web Administration for i5 server for the new version to show up.
- Review the contents of...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/log/VersionInfo.logIt should be similar to...
IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0.1Build Level: wp601_194 (2007-04-01 10:52)Server Name: WebSphere_PortalStarted at: 4/12/2007 11:28:03:185 EDT
Installed FixPacks:
WP_PTF_601 (IBM WebSphere Portal, Version Fix Pack)
Installed Interim Fixes: None
- Review the contents of...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/profile/PortalServer/log/VersionInfo.log...It should be similar to...
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 211 minutes 26 seconds