Manage Object Request Brokers



Default property values are set when WAS starts and the Java ORB service is initialized. These properties control the run-time behavior of the ORB and can also affect the behavior of product components that are tightly integrated with the ORB, such as security.

Every request or response exchange consists of a client-side and a server-side ORB. Properties for both sides need to be set.

After an ORB instance has been established in a process, changes to ORB properties do not affect the behavior of the running ORB instance. The process must be stopped and restarted for the modified properties to take effect.

A list of possible tasks for managing ORBs includes:

  1. Adjust timeout settings to improve handling of network failures. Before making adjustments, read ORB tuning guidelines.

  2. Adjust thread-pool settings used by the ORB for handling IIOP connections.

  3. If problems arise, see ORB component troubleshooting tips and ORB communications trace.


See also

Logical pool distribution
ORB tuning guidelines
ORB service settings
ORB custom properties
ORB communications trace
Client-side programming tips for the Java ORB service
Character code set conversion support for the Java ORB service
ORBs: Resources for learning


Related Tasks

Stopping servers
Starting servers