Object Request Broker custom properties

Use the this page to set and monitor settings associated with the Java Object Request Broker (ORB) service that do not appear on the main settings page by default.

Setting ORB properties through the administrative console

  1. In the administrative console, click Servers >Application servers > servername >Container services > ORB service >Custom properties .

  2. To add properties to the page, click New and enter at least a name (case-sensitive) and a value for the property. Then click Apply.

  3. When you are finished entering properties, click OK.

Setting ORB Properties through the command line

If you use the java command, use the -D option, for example

java -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.propname1=value1 -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.propname2=value2 ... application name

If you use the launchclient command, prefix the property with -CC, for example

launchclient yourapp.ear -CCDcom.ibm.CORBA.propname1=value1 -CCDcom.ibm.CORBA.propname2=value2 ... optional application arguments

The Custom properties page might already include SSL properties that were added during the product setup. A list of additional properties associated with the Java ORB service follows:


Domain name service (DNS) host name or IP address of the machine on which initial server contact for this client resides. This setting is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in a future release.

For a command-line or programmatic alternative, see Client-side programming tips for the Java Object Request Broker service.


Specifies the port to which the ORB connects for bootstrapping, the port of the machine on which the initial server contact for this client listens. This setting is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in a future release.

For a command-line or programmatic alternative, see Client-side programming tips for the Java Object Request Broker service.

Default 2809


Specifies the size of General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) fragments used by the ORB. If the total size of a request exceeds the set value, the ORB breaks up and sends multiple fragments until the entire request is sent. Set this property on the client side with a -D system property if you use a stand-alone Java application.

Adjust the com.ibm.CORBA.FragmentSize property if the amount of data that is sent over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) in most General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) requests exceeds one kilobyte or if thread dumps show that most client-side threads seem to be waiting while sending or receiving data. Adjust this property so that most messages have few or no fragments.

If you want to instruct the ORB not to break up any of the requests or replies it sends, set this property to 0 (zero). However, setting the value to zero does not prevent the ORB from receiving GIOP fragments in requests or replies sent by another existing ORB.

Units Bytes.
Default 1024
Range From 64 to the largest value of a Java integer type that is divisible by 8


Specifies the port on which this server listens for incoming requests. The setting of this property is valid for client-side ORBs only.

Default Next available system-assigned port number
Range 0 to 2147483647


Specifies the host name or IP address of the system on which the server ORB is running. The setting of this property is valid only for client-side ORBs. Otherwise, the ORB obtains a value at run time by calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() method.


Corresponds to the length of a TCP/IP stack listen queue and prevents WebSphere Application Server from rejecting requests when space is not available in the listen queue. If several simultaneous clients connect to the server-side ORB, one can increase this parameter to support up to 1000 clients.

Default 50
Range From 50 to the largest value of the Java int type


Specifies that the exception detail message that is returned whenever the server ORB encounters a CORBA system exception contains a short description of the exception as returned by the toString method of java.lang.Throwable class. Otherwise, the message contains the complete stack trace as returned by the printStackTrace method of java.lang.Throwable class.


Specifies the logical pool distribution (LPD) thread pool strategy the next time you start the application server, and is enabled if set to com.ibm.ws.threadpool.strategy.LogicalPoolDistribution. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

Some requests have shorter start times than others. LPD is a mechanism for providing these shorter requests greater access to start threads. For more information, see Logical pool distribution.


Specifies how often the logical pool distribution (LPD) mechanism readjusts the pool start target times. This property cannot be turned off after this support is installed. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

LPD must be enabled (see com.ibm.websphere.threadpool.strategy.implementation).

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 30
Range 20,000 minimum


Specifies how long the logical pool distribution internal data is kept for inactive requests. The mechanism tracks several statistics for each request type that is received. Consider removing requests that have been inactive for awhile. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

LPD must be enabled (see com.ibm.websphere.threadpool.strategy.implementation).

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 300,000 (5 minutes)
Range 60,000 (1 minute) minimum


Specifies how many pools are created and how many threads are allocated to each pool in the logical pool distribution mechanism. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

The ORB parameter for max threads controls the total number of threads. The outqueues parameter is specified as a comma separated list of percentages that add up to 100. For example, the list 25,25,25,25 sets up 4 pools, each allocated 25% of the available ORB thread pool. The pools are indexed left to right from 0 to n-1. Each outqueue is dynamically assigned a target start time by the calculation mechanism. Target start times are assigned to outqueues in increasing order so pool 0 gets the requests with the least start time and pool n-1 gets requests with the highest start times.

LPD must be enabled (see com.ibm.websphere.threadpool.strategy.implementation).

Data type Integers in comma separated list
Default 25,25,25,25
Range Percentages in list must total 100 percent


Specifies that statistics are dumped to stdout after this interval expires, but only if requests are processed. This process keeps the mechanism from filling the log files with redundant information. These statistics are beneficial for tuning the logical pool distribution mechanism. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

LPD must be enabled (see com.ibm.websphere.threadpool.strategy.implementation).

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 0 (off)
Range 30,000 (30 seconds) minimum


Specifies the size of a new queue where incoming requests wait for dispatch. Pertains to the logical pool distribution mechanism. Attention: Do not configure logical pool distribution unless you have already configured it with a previous release of WebSphere Application Server.

LPD must be enabled (see com.ibm.websphere.threadpool.strategy.implementation).

Data type Integer
Default 96
Range 10 minimum


We can improve performance by setting the com.ibm.CORBA.numJNIReaders system property through a command-line script. This property specifies the number of threads to share for request handling when the native selector mechanism is enabled.

Valid Range 0-2147483647
Default 2


The com.ibm.CORBA.ConnectTimeout property specifies the maximum time in seconds that the client ORB waits before timing out when attempting to establish an IIOP connection with a remote server ORB. Generally, client applications use this property. The property is not used by the application server by default. However, if necessary, one can specify the property for each individual application server through the administrative console.

Client applications can specify the com.ibm.CORBA.ConnectTimeout property in one of two ways:

  • By including it in the orb.properties file.

  • By using the -CCD option to set the property with the launchclient script. This example specifies a maximum timeout value of ten seconds

    launchclient clientapp.ear -CCDcom.ibm.com.CORBA.ConnectTimeout=10...

Begin by setting your timeout value to 20-30 seconds, but consider factors such as network congestion and application server load and capacity. Lower values can provide better failover performance, but can result in exceptions if the remote server does not have enough time to complete the connection.

Valid Range 0-300 (seconds)
Default 0 (the client ORB waits indefinitely)


This property applies when you have a mixed release cluster that has V6 and V5.1.0 or earlier and you are performing an incremental cell upgrade.

In mixed release cells, the migration program sets this property to 1.

After all of the cluster members are upgraded to V6, one can improve performance by removing this property or by setting the value to 2.

Setting the value to 1 indicates that the ORB runs using version 1 object identities, which is required to for mixed cells that contain application servers with releases prior to V5.1.1. In V6, not setting the property or changing the property value to 2 causes the ORB to run using version 2 object identities. Changing to version 2 object identities results in improved performance.

For incremental cell upgrade instructions, see Migrating a V5.x managed node to a V6 managed node and Migrating Network Deployment, V5.x to a V6 deployment manager.


See Also

Logical pool distribution


See Also

Administrative console buttons
Administrative console preference settings
Character code set conversion support for the Java Object Request Broker