

Removing the WebSphere MQ client from Linux

Before you attempt to remove the WebSphere MQ client, check that no WebSphere MQ client application is running on your system.

To remove the WebSphere MQ client, first find out the package names of the components currently installed on your system. To list the package names with their version information, enter the following commands:

rpm -q -a | grep MQ
rpm -q -a | grep gsk

Alternatively, to list the package names without their version information, enter the following commands:

rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{NAME}\n" | grep MQ
rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{NAME}\n" | grep gsk

To remove a component, with package name

MQSeriesSamples for example, enter the following command:

rpm -e MQSeriesSamples

Some of the components are dependent on others. The rpm command does not remove a component if others are dependent on it. For this reason, remove the components in an order such that each component you remove has no other component dependent on it. To list all the components on which a specific component depends,

MQSeriesClient for example, enter the following command:

rpm -q --requires MQSeriesClient

Alternatively, remove the components in the order shown in Table 3. Remove only those components that you have installed on your system.

Table 3. Order for removing components
Component Package name
Message catalogs


Sample programs








WebSphere MQ support for iKeyman


IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)



  1. xx identifies the national language.

  2. Other IBM products might use the IBM Global Security Kit.

After removing the WebSphere MQ client, delete the

/var/mqm directory, unless you are migrating to a later release of the WebSphere MQ client.

