Displaying the status of the command server
For remote administration, ensure that the command server on the target queue manager is running. If it is not running, remote commands cannot be processed. Any messages containing commands are queued in the target queue manager's command queue.
To display the status of the command server for a queue manager, called here
saturn.queue.manager, the CL command is:
DSPMQMCSVR MQMNAME('saturn.queue.manager')Issue this command on the target machine. If the command server is running, the panel shown in Figure 6 appears:
Figure 6. Display MQM Command Server panelDisplay MQM Command Server (DSPMQMCSVR) Queue manager name . . . . . . . > saturn.queue.manager MQM Command Server Status. . . . > RUNNING F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys