Troubleshoot portal design



  1. Recover from a faulty theme
  2. Administrative portlets fail on pages that use customized themes
  3. Preview page does not display


Recover from a faulty theme

If the portal is configured to use a theme that contains errors, the affected portal pages might not display or might display incorrectly. To avoid this problem, be sure to test and debug a theme before it is used on the portal. If a faulty theme is installed, perform the following procedure to remove it from the system:

  1. Stop WebSphere Portal.

  2. Delete the subdirectory for the faulty theme. The root directory for themes is...


    The themes folder contains a subdirectory for each markup type. The faulty theme would be in a folder below one of the markup-type subdirectories.

  3. Start WebSphere Portal.

  4. Log in to the portal as administrator.

  5. Click thru...

    Administration | Portal User Interface | Themes and Skins

  6. Delete the faulty theme.


Administrative portlets fail on pages that use customized themes


When one of the administrative portlets is placed on a page with a customized theme, or a customized theme has been applied to the portal administrative pages, the portlet could fail with a null pointer exception written to the log file. This problem can also occur if the portlet is launched in a new window that uses the customized theme.


The administrative portlet requires certain request parameters for processing. These parameters are made available to the portlet using the <wps:adminNavHelper/> tag.


To use an administrative portlet with a customized theme, edit the parent page of the theme, typically Default.jsp, and add the following lines:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal-internal.tld" prefix="wps" %>

You should also make the same changes to Plain.jsp for the theme. This file can be used to open portlets in a new window.


Preview page does not display


If a user is setting the theme for a page or the skin for a portlet, the preview icon does not work if the theme or skin directory name contains double byte character set (DBCS) characters.

Solution: This is a current limitation. To avoid this problem, do not use DBCS characters in the directory name for new themes and skins.


See also


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