The Authoring Portlet Configuration Task

The Authoring Portlet (Web Content Authoring) configuration task will automatically create IWWCM Portal Pages and install the IWWCM Authoring Portlet and Local Rendering Portlets.

Before running this configuration task ensure that you have entered the WebSphere Portal Administrators Password in the PortalAdminPwd parameter in the Portal Config Properties section of...


Ensure that this password is also removed from once the configuration task is completed.

Note that the WebSphere Portal Administrators group is not automatically added to the wcmadmins group. If you would like WebSphere Portal Administrators to have Administration access to IWWCM, manually add the WebSphere Portal Administrators group to the wcmadmins group in WebSphere Portal Administration:

  1. Go to...

    Administration | Access | Users and Groups | All Portal User Groups

  2. Select wcmadmins and click "Add member".

  3. Select wpsadmins and click "OK".

  4. Log out of WebSphere Portal and log back in.


Run the configuration task:

  1. Stop the WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Open a command prompt.

  3. Go to the /PortalServer/config

  4. Run the following command:

    Windows: WPSconfig.bat configure-wcm-authoring

    UNIX: configure-wcm-authoring

    i5/OS: -instance [WAS Instance] configure-wcm-authoring

Note that if you are installing the Authoring Portlet in a clustered environment, stop and restart the WebSphere Portal server before the Authoring Portlet will be available.

Parent topic: Configuration Tasks.

Parent topic: Install Portlets.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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