Install Portlets


Install the Authoring and Local Rendering Portlets

To install the Authoring and Local Rendering Portlets run the Authoring Portlet Configuration Task.


Install the Remote Rendering Portlet (Remote Web Content Viewer)

The Remote Rendering Portlet is installed just like any other portlet:

  1. Login to WebSphere Portal as an administrator.

  2. Go to...

    Administration | Portlet Management | Web Modules | Install | Browse
  3. Select...


  4. Click...

    Open | Next | Finish

You will then need to add the Remote Rendering Portlet to a WebSphere Portal page.


Anonymous Access

If an IWWCM Portlet needs to be accessed by anonymous users, then the user must configure the Portal server to have anonymous sessions. This is done by setting public.session=true in...



Edit Mode Configuration

WebSphere Portal Administrators can deploy a single instance of the Remote Rendering Portlet onto a server. The settings set for this portlet in configuration mode are then used by default each time the Remote Rendering Portlet is added to a page. Initially all the portlets will display the same content. The user can then use the edit mode to customize the configuration of each instance. So while all portlets share the same base configuration, each one can customized as required.


Locale Consistency

The language displayed in the IWWCM Authoring and Rendering Portlets is determined by the region or locale of the User. There are, however, some elements of the Authoring and Rendering Portlets that use WebSphere Portal functions, such as date selection fields. These will be displayed using the locale of the WebSphere Portal server. For this reason, the language and locales of the Site being created, the client and server should be consistent.

If your Site contains content in different languages, then a separate IWWCM authoring applications should be setup for each language on different WebSphere Portal Servers. These can then be combined into one Site using a Staging Server.

Multiple Remote Rendering Portlets on separate servers may need to be created to display sites in different languages to enable features such as Portal Search.

Note that if a User changes their locale, any currently opened IWWCM dialogs will be closed. A User will also have to start a new IWWCM session before it is displayed using the new locale. It is best practice to have the client's correct locale set prior to using IWWCM.


Web Content Authoring Configuration Task

The Web Content Authoring configuration task will automatically create IWWCM Portal Pages and install the IWWCM Authoring Portlet and Local Rendering Portlets.


Parent topic: Install IWWCM Portlets

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1


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