Configure the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor
This topic explains how to configure the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor file using the Assembly Toolkit, which replaces the Application Assembly Tool (AAT). It is one of the tools available with the Application Server Toolkit product.
To configure theibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor file...
- Start the Assembly Toolkit
- Locate the webservicesclient.xml file in the module.
- Double-click the webservices.xml file to open the Web Services Client editor.
- Access the Web Services Client Bindings editor through the Client Binding tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
- Verify the componentNameLink element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Expand the Component scoped references section.
- Click Add.
- Select the component scoped references defined in the webservicesclient.xml file from the list.
- Verify the serviceRefLink element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Click the Services References tab.
- Click Add.
- Select the service references defined in the webservicesclient.xml file from the list.
- Verify the deploydWSDLFile element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Select the service references or component scoped reference desired.
- Expand the Service reference details section.
- Click Browse on the Deployed WSDL file field.
- Select the new WSDL file.
- Click OK.
The deployedWSDLFile element of a deployed Web service can also be changed using the administrative console. Using application management, navigate to the Web module or EJB module of the Web service application and select Web Services Client Bindings.
- Verify the defaultMappings element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Click Default Mappings.
- Click Add.
- Edit the entries in the newly added row to establish a mapping between a portType and port in the WSDL file. There can only be one entry for each portType.
- Select the new WSDL file.
- Click OK.
The defaultMappings of a deployed Web service can also be changed using the administrative console. Using application management, navigate to the Web module or EJB module of the Web service application and select Web Services Client Bindings.
- Access the Web Services Client Port Bindings editor through the Port Bindings tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
- Verify the syncTimeout element settings.
- Create a Port Qualified Name Bindings for the port.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Confirm that a service reference is selected in either the Component scoped references or Service references section.
- Expand the Port qualified name bindings section.
- Click Add. A new entry is now added to the Port qualified name bindings list.
- Click the new Port qualified name bindings entry. The Web Services Client Port Bindings editor opens.
- Expand the Port qualified name bindings details section.
- Type the namespace of the WSDL file port you want to configure, in the Port Namespace Link field.
- Type the local_name of the WSDL file port you want to configure in the Port Local Name Linkfield. The name displayed in the Port qualified name bindings list is the local name of the WSDL file port.
- Click OK.
- Configure the syncTimeout property by locating the Synchronization timeout field and enter the desired value.
- Verify the basicAuth element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Expand the Basic authentication section.
- Type the desired value in the User ID and Password fields.
- Click OK.
- Verify the sslConfig element settings.
- Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- Expand the SSL Configuration section.
- Type the desired value in the Name field.
- Click OK.
- After editing the properties, type ctrl-s on your keyboard to save the changes.
See Also
Developing Web services clients based on Web Services for J2EE
Developing client bindings from a WSDL file
Configuring the webservicesclient.xml deployment descriptor
Starting the Assembly Toolkit
ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi assembly properties