

ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi contains WAS-specific information on the Web services runtime and contains the following assembly properties:


Example bindings file

The following example demonstrate the spelling and position of the various attributes. You cannot cut and paste these examples because they do not contain the required ID attributes. If you add elements to a binding file template generated by the WSDL2Java command, confirm that each element has an ID attribute whose value is a unique string. Review the template xmi files generated by the WSDL2Java command for examples of ID strings

< xmi:version="2.0" 

    <componentScopedRefs componentNameLink="myComponent ref"/>

    <serviceRefs serviceRefLink="myService ref" deployedWSDLFile="META-INF/wsdl/alternate.wsdl">
        <defaultMappings portTypeLocalName="AddressBook" portTypeNamespace="" 
portLocalName="AddressBookPort" portNamespace=""/>
            <portQnameBindings portQnameNamespaceLink="" 
portQnameLocalNameLink="AddressBookPort" syncTimeout="99">
                <basicAuth userid="myId" password="myPassword"/>
                <sslConfig name="node/DefaultSSLSettings"/>


See Also

Configuring the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor
Assembling Web services applications based on Web Services for J2EE