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Installation and configuration file options

The Domino® HTTP Password Synchronizer is installed by using the standard Security Directory Integrator installer wizard.

Configuration file options

The Domino plug-in has a template configuration file that is installed at TDI_install_dir/pwd_plugins/domino/pwsync.props. When the Domino Server plug-in is initialized, the configuration file must be at domino_data_dir/idipwsync/pwsync.props on UNIX. On Windows, the file must be at domino_program_dir\idipwsync\pwsync.props. Some of the parameters in the configuration file are shared between the plug-in and the Java Proxy. For a list of the supported properties, see Common configuration and utilities of password synchronization plug-ins.

The Domino Password Synchronizer supplies an option to synchronize password changes by using a unique user identifier. The user identifier that is supplied by the Domino, uniquely identifies users within their corresponding Domino Server. The following common properties are ignored by the Domino plug-in:

In addition to the common configuration properties, the Domino plug-in recognizes the following properties:

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Domino HTTP Password Synchronizer