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Common configuration and utilities of password synchronization plug-ins

The password synchronization plug-ins and the Java Proxy share the pwsync.props configuration file. We can use the command-line utilities to control the configuration of Password Synchronizers and the data flow process.

Configuration file parameters

You must specify the path to the pwsync.props configuration file when you register the plug-in. Configuration file path is then passed to the Java Proxy on startup by the plug-in, or by the command-line utility that starts the proxy. Note: The standard java.util.Properties class parses the configuration file and replaces control-like characters with actual control characters. For example, the \\n character is converted to \n character. Therefore, when you set a path in the configuration file on the Windows platform, you must set the \ character with another slash \\.

Common parameters for all password plug-ins in the configuration file are as follows:

The parameters from the configuration file are set as Java system properties. Set the following properties in the configuration file if SSL is required for the communication with any of the stores or with the IBM Security Identity Manager servlet:
Table 1. SSL Java Properties
Property Value
javax.net.ssl.trustStore Specifies the truststore for the JVM.
javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword Specifies the password of the truststore. Note: You must encrypt this password by using the encryptPasswd utility.
javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType Type of the truststore. For example: jks
javax.net.ssl.keyStore Specifies the keystore of the JVM.
javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword Specifies the password for the keystore. Note: You must encrypt this password by using the encryptPasswd utility.
javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType Type of the keystore. For example: jks
Any additional parameters in the configuration file are specific to the actual password plug-in.

Command-line utilities

The following utilities are available to control certain aspects of configuration and flow process of the Password Synchronizers: