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Accessing the Federated Directory Server console

We can access the web-based Federated Directory Server console application in your browser.

Before you begin

Install Security Directory Integrator v7.2.

About this task

The Federated Directory Server console is installed when you install SDI v7.2. The Federated Directory Server console artifacts and configuration files are copied to a folder named LDAPSync in the SDI solution directory. The installation is completed when you access the Federated Directory Server console for the first time.


  1. Start SDI either from your system's launch interface or from the command line with the ibmditk or ibmdisrv command.
  2. Open the Federated Directory Server console.

    • If you are accessing Federated Directory Server from your local system, click Start > Programs > SDI 7.2 > Federated Directory Server Console.
    • If you are accessing Federated Directory Server from a remote system, open the following link in your browser:

  3. If the security settings to access the Federated Directory Server console indicate that authentication is required, a login screen is displayed.

    • If you are accessing from the localhost, specify the user name as admin and the password as admin, which are the defaults, and then click Login.
    • If you are accessing from a remote system, you must specify the appropriate authentication credentials according to the security settings specified by the administrator. See Security settings.

    When the Federated Directory Server console is opened for the first time, the default configuration file named LDAPSync.xml is copied to the configs folder of the SDI solution directory. A default project is created automatically, which we can use to configure Federated Directory Server.

What to do next

The default project does not have any endpoints or flows. To configure the project, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to a target directory server.
  2. Configure one or more endpoints.
  3. Define flow settings.

Note: As you configure the various features of Federated Directory Server in the console, by default, the changes are saved automatically. We can modify the autosave and refresh settings for the console:

  1. On the Federated Directory Server console menu bar, click Options.
  2. If you want to manually save the configuration changes that you make in the console, clear the Enable auto-save check box.
  3. If you do not want to automatically reload the configuration changes, clear the Automatically update FDS when configuration is saved check box.
  4. To create a snapshot of the current configuration before you make further changes, specify a Snapshot description and then click Create snapshot.
  5. We can later roll back the changes to the level when you created a snapshot. Select the snapshot from the Load snapshot and then click Load.

Parent topic:

Federated Directory Server