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Defining flow settings

After you create a flow, we can edit the flow to define specific settings or use the default values that are provided for most settings.

Before you begin

Ensure that you create a flow.


  1. To specify or modify the flow settings, on the Flows page, click the name of the flow and then click Edit. The configuration page for the selected flow is opened. We can view and edit the flow settings in the Source tab.
  2. To change the endpoint, from the Source list, select one of the configured endpoints to provide data for the flow.
  3. We can specify the flow settings that are grouped into following categories:

      General settings

        Types of Entries to Handle
        Select the types of entries that must be considered for flow operations.
        By default, the options to Handle Person entries and Handle Group entries are both selected.
        Mirror the source hierarchy into Directory Server
        Specify how the hierarchy must be handled during synchronization.
        Select this check box to preserve the containers and copy the directory information tree structure from the endpoint to the target directory server.
        Clear this check box to flatten the hierarchy by pulling all entries from multiple containers in the endpoint into one specified container in the target directory.
        Target container in Directory Server
        Specify the search base in the target directory server.
        This field is enabled only if you selected the option to mirror the source hierarchy.
        This value is used as the root when mirroring the source hierarchy.
        Target container for Users
        Container under which Person entries must be written.
        This value is used only if you are flattening the source hierarchy.
        Target container for Groups
        Container under which Group entries must be written.
        This value is used only if you are flattening the source hierarchy.
        Debug log output
        Select this check box to generate detailed log messages with extra information, including errors about entries that were not processed or synchronized.
      Filtering details
      Specify the filtering criteria, one on each line in the following fields. The entries can be full DNs or partial texts.

        Include the following
        Specify the list of nodes in the endpoint that you want to synchronize.
        The values are used for substring searches in the returned entry DNs.
        Exclude the following
        Specify the list of nodes in the endpoint that you want to exclude when synchronizing.
      User/Person settings
      Typical default values are provided for the following settings, according to type of endpoint that you selected for the flow.

        Source Person Entry Object Class
        Specify the object class for Person entries in the endpoint.
        Target Person Entry Object Class
        Specify the entry that must be used for creating Person entries in the target directory.
        Source User RDNĀ® attribute
        Specify the attribute used as relative DN in the DN for the Person entries.
        Target User RDN attribute
        The attribute to use as the RDN for entries that are written to SDS.
      Group settings
      Typical default values are provided for the following settings, according to type of endpoint that you selected for the flow.

        Source Group Entry Object Class
        Specify the object class for Group entries in the endpoint.
        Target Group Entry Object Class
        Specify the entry that must be used for creating Group entries in the target directory.
        Target Group Membership attribute
        Specify the attribute for holding group membership in the target directory.
      AssemblyLines To Call After Write Operation
      We can specify the AssemblyLines that must be called after each type of write operation:

      • When Person Added
      • When Person Modified
      • When Person Deleted

      Before we can use these fields, you must create an AssemblyLine by using the Configuration Editor. Ensure that the configuration XML file for the AssemblyLine project is copied to the configs folder of the Solution Directory. See the SDI documentation and search for Configuration Editor.
      In the AssemblyLines To Call After Write Operation fields, enter the following details of the AssemblyLine project that you created in Configuration Editor:

      • Name of the SDI project that contains the AssemblyLine
      • Name of the AssemblyLine

      Use the following format for entering the names in these fields:

      Project Name:/AssemblyLines/AssemblyLine Name
      For example, if your project is named OS400 and it contains an AssemblyLine named ReadUsers, then you would enter:
      Additional Advanced Settings

        Custom property settings
        We can optionally specify custom properties that are used to override the settings that are specified in the Federated Directory Server console.
        Enter each custom property on a separate line.
        For example: On the General settings page, we can enable Debug log output to generate detailed logs. To override this setting, enter the following custom property setting: global.debug=true. This setting is passed to the SDI solution.
        We can find the custom property name for a setting in the SDI Configuration Editor:

        1. On the connector configuration page, click the Connection tab.
        2. Click the edit icon next to a field to open the Expression Editor.
        3. The Internal name that is displayed is the custom property name.

What to do next

If you want to delete a flow that is not required, close the configuration page for that flow. On the Flows page, click the name of the flow, and then click Delete Flow. Click OK when the confirmation message appears.

  1. Further, we can configure the following enhancements for the flow:

  2. After you complete defining all of the flow settings, run the initial synchronization operation.
  3. Then, either manually run incremental synchronization or schedule periodic synchronization.

Parent topic:

Create a flow