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Deployment and configuration

We can install the PAM Password Synchronizer using the Security Directory Integrator installer wizard. After the installation is complete, use the instructions in the following sections for the deployment steps that are required for the PAM Password Synchronizer.

Password Synchronizer registration for UNIX and Linux plug-in within PAM

Configure the PAM Password Synchronizer using the template configuration file...

To register the plug-in, edit the PAM configuration file. The following table shows the standard location of PAM configuration files on various platforms. Your individual PAM configuration causes the PAM password module configuration to be a different file. Check with your system administrator if either these files do not exist, or if the added Password Synchronization module is not started.

Note: The /etc/pam.conf configuration file is used in the older versions of PAM on UNIX. This file is now deprecated and all PAM configuration files are now in /etc/pam.d for the modules that rely on PAM. You must store the PAM configuration file for the password change module in this directory.

The primary component of external system configuration is the PAM configuration file. Since the purpose of the plug-in is to intercept password events, add a registration line as shown in the following table to the PAM configuration file. If the PAM module is being stacked with other PAM modules, the Security module is the last module in the stack. This way, The module can be sure that previous required modules returns a success status before PAM calls the Security module.