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Event-driven integration

So far you've been running the AssemblyLines as batch processes, manually starting them each time you want data to flow. We can also run AssemblyLines from the command line by invoking the Security Directory Integrator Server, like this1:
   ibmdisrv -c examples/Tutorial/Tutorial1.xml -r CSVtoXML
In this way it's a simple task to use scheduling tools (for example, crontab) to schedule their operation, or to easily launch them from external applications.

SDI provides a number of features for making the AssemblyLines event-aware, allowing the solutions to handle and respond to a wide variety of real-time triggers.

Examples of these triggers are:

This is not a complete list, and you will find both inspiration and guidance in other SDI literature, in the community websites and the newsgroups. Handling these events in the solution can be done in a number of ways:

This guide will take you on a closer look at AL scheduling and at Connector Server mode.

1 The SDI Server provides a usage message when invoked with no commandline arguments: ibmdisrv