WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Page style

You use HTML to define the default properties of a presentation template in the same way you use HTML to define the default properties of a Web page.

Any valid HTML property can be set including:



This is an example of the HTML you could enter in a presentation template to set default properties for a presentation template.

<body bgcolor="#CC0000" text="#000000" link="#6666FF" 
vlink="#9999FF" alink="#FF33CC"leftmargin="5" topmargin="5">

Note: If the same page properties are used in more than one presentation template, they can be stored in a single text component that is itself referenced within the presentation template:
<body <component name="TextComponentName"/>>
This means that by editing a single text component, the page properties of multiple presentation templates can quickly be updated.


Using cascading style sheets

Default style properties cannot be set for components. The default page properties will override any page properties set in a component.

Cascading style sheets can be used to control the style of components. E.g., You could make the links in a menu a different color to the links in a navigator by using cascading style sheets to determine the style of different components.

Note: Where possible, it is best practice to use one cascading style sheet for an entire site. A link to the style sheet should be used, rather than embedding the style sheet.
Parent topic: Using presentation templates Related tasks
Style sheet element
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