Simple topology diagrams are provided to help you understand the
basic concepts of the WebSphere Portal architecture. The proof-of-concept
topology illustrates a simple installation for demonstration or trial purposes.
The high availability and failover topologies illustrate WebSphere Portal
in a more complex production environment.
- Proof-of-concept
This proof-of-concept topology is installed on a Windows operating system with a local DB2 Universal Database for data storage. It also takes advantage of the out-of-box security features, so there is no user registry in the topology. This is not the only way to setup a proof-of-concept environment, but it is meant to illustrate a simple environment that is easily reproducible.
- High availability and failover considerations
For production environments failover is critical. Ideally the production configuration will not include a single point of failover. High availability is also critical for networks with high traffic loads. Complete instructions and guidance for complex networks is beyond the scope of this documentation. However the documentation does address key concepts and instructions for setting up production environments.
Parent topic: Planning for WebSphere Portal