Planning for WebSphere Portal
Before deploying WebSphere Portal it is important to understand
requirements and configuration considerations for high availability and failover.
Become familiar with the system and database architecture and security considerations
and plan your deployment.
Supported hardware and software
- Topologies
Simple topology diagrams are provided to help you understand the basic concepts of the WebSphere Portal architecture. The proof-of-concept topology illustrates a simple installation for demonstration or trial purposes. The high availability and failover topologies illustrate WebSphere Portal in a more complex production environment.
- Evaluation license
IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express comes with a special license that lets you install and deploy the product for a 120 day evaluation at no charge. If you subsequently purchase WebSphere Portal Express, a simple utility lets you convert the evaluation license to a full production license. Users who prefer to purchase and install WebSphere Portal Express directly, without the evaluation license, can do so without having to install or convert the evaluation license.
- Installation options
Before installing IBM WebSphere Portal Express, choose the installation source location and method that best fit your environment. For example, you can install from the CD-ROM or from a file system and you can install using the graphical interface program or perform a silent installation.
- Planning your cluster
A cluster is a group of servers that provide your production environment with high availability to help ensure that your business remains active 24x7.
- Database considerations
By default, IBM WebSphere Portal Express installs and uses IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition. Installing with DB2 lets you quickly get WebSphere Portal Express installed and running in a production-level environment.
- Planning your user registry
A user registry or repository authenticates a user and retrieves information about users and groups to perform security-related functions, including authentication and authorization.
- Security and authentication considerations
Security and authentication are key elements of a production environment. Learn about single sign-on, credential vaults and external security managers.
- Planning
Learn how to deploy a Web Content Management system.
- Known limitations
Put your short description here; used for first paragraph and abstract.
Related tasks
Information roadmap: Domino Integration