Migrating your customized resources
Some migration steps are optional depending on what customized resources you had in your previous version of IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express. You only need to migrate those resources that are relevant to your environment.
Choose the following relevant customized resources to migrate:
- Migrate customized themes and skins if you want to use new functionality with them.
- Recreate your global settings and portal service configuration.
- Migrate portlets you created using one of the following methods:
- Copy the .war files into the portal_server_root/installableApps directory
- For predeployed portlets, install the applications to the WebSphere
Application Server system and then register them with WebSphere Portal Express.Important: When choosing this method, do not copy the .war files into the portal_server_root/installableApps directory.
- Migrating cooperative portlets that use the IBM Portlet API
The term cooperative portlets refers to how portlets on a page interact by sharing information. One or more cooperative portlets on a portal page can automatically react to changes triggered by an action or event in a source portlet. Portlets that are targets of the event react to the trigger so that users are not required to make repetitive changes or actions in other portlets on the page. Portlets on a page can cooperate even if they were developed independently, without the programmer's awareness of the existence of the other cooperative portlets.
- Migrating portlets built with Struts Portlet Framework
The Struts Portlet Framework allows users to package Struts portlet applications to be deployed on multiple versions of WebSphere Portal Express. Struts portlet applications that use earlier versions of the Struts Portlet Framework can be migrated to V6.1. Migrating a Struts portlet application includes updating the Struts Portlet Framework JAR files, TLDs, and org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory file. Some additional manual steps might be necessary, depending on which version of the Struts Portlet Framework that your application used.
- Migrating search collections
When you migrate or upgrade IBM WebSphere Portal Express to a later version, the data storage format and index structure of Portal Search is not backward compatible between the different versions. If you migrate your portal to a later version and want to continue using your search collections, you need to preserve them before you migrate your portal.
- Migrating the Search and Browse portlet
The parameter IndexName was replaced by CollectionLocation in WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0. Therefore, if you migrate from an earlier portal version where the Search and Browse portlet is deployed, only the new parameter works in the current version. To ensure that the Search and Browse portlet works as expected, you need to transfer the value from the old parameter to the new parameter manually.
Parent topic: Migrating WebSphere Portal
Previous topic: Preparing your previous environment for migration
Next topic: Preparing to run the migration tasks