WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Migrating configurations

Migrating IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express is a combination of exporting content from the earlier version, then importing that content to the current version. Use the migration scripts to accomplish these tasks.

Run the appropriate task script from the portal_server_root/migration directory, where portal_server_root is the directory in which the current WebSphere Portal Express version is installed. If using i5/OS, you can run the script from the UserData portal_server_root_user/migration directory, where portal_server_root is the directory in which the current WebSphere Portal Express version is installed.


  1. Stop the current WebSphere Portal Express server.
  2. Start the server for the earlier version of WebSphere Portal Express and ensure that it is accessible to the network.
  3. Use the portal-pre-upgrade task to export the WebSphere Portal Express content from the previous version:

    Operating System Command
    Windows WPmigrate.bat portal-pre-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DcurrentPortalDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminID=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword
    Linux ./WPmigrate.sh portal-pre-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DcurrentPortalDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminID=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword
    i5/OS WPmigrate.sh portal-pre-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DcurrentPortalDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminID=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword



    The directory where data from the earlier server will be stored for subsequent use with the portal-post-upgrade task. If this directory does not exist, the portal-pre-upgrade task creates it.


    The directory where the earlier portal server is installed.


    The administrator ID for the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig.properties file.


    The administrator password for the earlier portal server.


    The administrator ID for IBM WebSphere Application Server that is used by the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig.properties file.


    The administrator password for the earlier WebSphere Application Server.


    The DBMS user ID that is used by the earlier portal server. This variable is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig_.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V5.0.2.2 or or in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 or later).Note: For V5.0.2.2 or, the property name is DbUser. For V6.0 or later, include the release domain name in the property name. For example: release.DbUser.


    The DBMS user password for the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig_.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V5.0.2.2 or or in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 or later).Note: For V5.0.2.2 or, the property name is DbPassword. For V6.0 or later, include the release domain name in the property name. For example: release.DbPassword.
    The following properties are optional:


    Exports groups from the earlier version when the value is set to true. This property is set by default to false.


    The virtual portal name.
    For example:

    Sample command to be included here

    Migration log output from the portal-pre-upgrade task is stored in the WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log file, located in the backup directory specified above. You can use a text editor to view the LOG file.
  4. Stop the earlier version WebSphere Portal Express server.
  5. Start the server for your current version of WebSphere Portal Express and ensure it is accessible to the network.
  6. Specify values for WasUserId and WasPassword in the wpconfig.properties file.
  7. Use the portal-post-upgrade task to automatically migrate the exported data from the backup directory to the new server.

    Operating System Command
    Windows WPmigrate.bat portal-post-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminId=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword
    Linux ./WPmigrate.sh portal-post-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminId=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword
    i5/OS WPmigrate.sh portal-post-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DportalAdminId=adminid -DportalAdminPassword=adminpassword -DWasUserId=wasid -DWasPassword=waspassword -DDbUserId=dbid -DDbPassword=dbpassword



    The directory where the portal-pre-upgrade task stored the data that it exported from the earlier server.


    The administrator ID for the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig.properties file.


    The administrator ID password for the earlier portal server.


    The administrator ID for IBM WebSphere Application Server that is used by the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig.properties file.


    The administrator password for the earlier WebSphere Application Server.


    The DBMS User ID that is used by the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig_.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V5.0.2.2 or or in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 or later).Note: For V5.0.2.2 or, the property name is DbUser. For V6.0 or later, include the release domain name in the property name. For example: release.DbUser.


    The DBMS user password for the earlier portal server. This value is not required if it is already specified in the wpconfig_.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V5.0.2.2 or or in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file (if you are migrating from WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 or later).Note: For V5.0.2.2 or, the property name is DbUser. For V6.0 or later, include the release domain name in the property name. For example: release.DbPassword.

    The following properties are optional:


    The earlier portal server's profile name. The profile name must already exist in the backup directory specified above.Note: If you are migrating from V5.0.2.2 or, this value is derived by concatenating the instanceName and hostName values stored in the app_server_root/properties/wsinstance.config file. If you are migrating from V6.0 or later, specify this value only if it is different from the current portal server's profile name.


    The current server's profile name. Specify this property value only to migrate to a specific existing profile in the current server. If no value is specified, the current server's default profile name is used.


    When set to true, creates V5.0.2.2 or or V6.0 or later configuration definitions for Transport, ProcessDef, and SSL instead of V6.1 configuration definitions for Channels, ProcessDefs, and SSL.

    This property provides a temporary transition until all nodes in the environment are at the V6.1 level. At that point, you should modify your administration scripts to use all of the V6.1 settings, and use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert your configurations to match all of the V6.1 settings.


    The value that specifies the first block of consecutive port numbers to assign when the command script runs.


    When set to true, saves the existing WebSphere Application Server V6.1 configuration before any changes are made by portal-post-upgrade. This property is set by default to true, and saves the existing WebSphere Application Server V6.1 configuration to the profile_name/temp directory. Use the restoreConfig command to restore that configuration as needed.


    Specifies how to map port values for virtual hosts and Web-container transport ports. Set by default to false, this property preserves default port definitions during migration. When set to true, this property replaces all virtual host alias port settings during migration.


    Specifies whether to include user enterprise applications in the migration. The default value is true, to include applications. User enterprise applications are prepared for installation in the V6.1 installableApps directory without actually being installed. To install the applications, run the JACL scripts that are created and saved in the backup directory.


    Specifies whether to install all applications to the same directories where they are located in the earlier version. The default value is false.


    The directory name to use when installing all applications. The default value is profile_name/installedApps. If the directory name contains spaces, use quotes around the directory name.


    Indicates the virtual portal name.
    For example:

    Sample command to be included here

    Migration log output from the portal-post-upgrade task is stored in the WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log file, located in the profile_root/logs directory. You can use a text editor to view the LOG file.
  8. If you need to run the portal-post-upgrade task multiple times, restart the servers before running the task again.
  9. Optional: If you cloned the FileServer portlet in the earlier version and supplied HTML files in the wp_old_root/installedApps/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html directory, copy those files to the portal_server_root/installedApps/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html directory, after running the import task and before restarting the server, to make the files accessible in the current version. Note: For i5/OS, the directories are wp_user_old_root and portal_server_root_user, respectively.
  10. Complete the following steps on the current version only:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the following directory:

      • Windows: wp_profile_root\bin
      • Linux: wp_profile_root/bin
      • i5/OS: wp_profile_root/bin
    2. Enter the following command to stop the WebSphere_Portal server:

      • Windows: stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid -password admin_password
      • Linux: ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid -password admin_password
      • i5/OS: stopServer WebSphere_Portal -profileName profile_root -user admin_userid -password admin_password
    3. Enter the following command to start the WebSphere_Portal server:

      • Windows: startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal
      • Linux: ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal
      • i5/OS: startServer WebSphere_Portal -profileName profile_root
Parent topic: Migrating WebSphere Portal Previous topic: Preparing to run the migration tasks Next topic: Migrating the access control configuration
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