WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Uninstalling on Linux

You can uninstall IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express only or both WebSphere Portal Express and IBM WebSphere Application Server using either the graphical user interface, console mode, or silent uninstallation program.

Perform the following tasks to uninstall WebSphere Portal Express:

  1. Enter one of the following uninstallation commands from the PortalServer/uninstall directory:

    Option Description
    Graphical user interface ./uninstall.sh
    Console mode ./uninstall.sh -console
    Silent install ./uninstall.sh -options "path_to_file/response_filename", where path_to_file is the full path to the response file and response_filename is the name of the file. A sample uninstall response file (uninstallresponse.txt) are located in the setup CD root directory.Important: Only put quotation marks around the file name if there are spaces in the directory path or file name.
  2. Remove any remaining WebSphere Portal Express directories from your directory structure.
  3. Restart the machine, especially if you intend to reinstall WebSphere Portal Express on the same machine.
Parent topic: Uninstalling a cluster on Linux
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