Integrating Lotus Domino and
the Extended Products and Portlets into WebSphere Portal Express
Integration tasks occur on all collaborative servers in the site,
as well as the portal server, and in collaborative portlets.
The following procedures contain complete instructions for configuring WebSphere Portal Express to work with Lotus Domino and
the Extended Products.
Checklist of tasks:
- Integrating the Lotus Domino servers and portlets
To integrate IBM® Lotus® Domino® and any associated portlets into your portal site, you perform a series of configuration tasks on an installed Lotus Domino server running LDAP, on any Lotus Domino messaging/application servers you have installed, and on the WebSphere Portal Express server.
- Integrating the Lotus Sametime server and portlets
To integrate IBM Lotus Sametime® and any Lotus Sametime portlets into your portal site, you perform a series of configuration tasks on the installed Lotus Sametime server and the IBM WebSphere® Portal Express server.
- Configuring single sign-on between WebSphere Portal Express and Lotus Domino
You configure the single sign-on (SSO) feature between the IBM WebSphere Portal Express server and the IBM Lotus Domino servers so that authentication works the same way for all Domino and Extended Products Portlets. A user can log into WebSphere Portal Express and then access portlets that contain information from a Lotus Domino application or service without having to enter additional credentials for authentication.
Parent topic: Integrating with Lotus Domino
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Collaborative Services environment properties