WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Enabling remote access to your servers

Before you can begin to manage your site, run a task that allows you to remotely access all target and source servers from the server where you will manage your site. There are additional steps perform on the server where you will manage your site if any of the servers are enabled for Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Enabling access to servers that you will manage usually involves at least two portal systems: a source system, where you are creating new pages that you need to publish, and a target server, where the new pages will become visible to portal users. It is also possible to use one server, with two or more virtual portals, for site management. If you have two different servers, configure both the source system and the target system using the enable-tai task, as described below.Note: Virtual portals do not require the enable-tai task. A Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) is used to authorize access to the servers. Run the task enable-http-basic-auth-tai-sitemgmt, as follows, to enable the TAI:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where WebSphere Portal Express is installed, on the corresponding operating system:

  2. Enter the following command:

    Note: This task uses the settings in the wp.sitem.cmd.properties file to configure the TAI. Although the TAI settings are pre-configured to work without requiring adjustment, you can change the settings before running the task if you need to configure the TAI differently. For more information, refer to Reference: Properties for the Trust Association Interceptor.
  3. Optional: Choose the appropriate steps to perform on the server where you will manage your site to access any SSL servers: Note: These steps are only required if your server is configured for SSL (https://) and your certificate is not from a trusted Certificate Authority; for example, self-signed certificates.

    Option Description
    Linux Perform the following steps to access SSL servers:

    1. Go to the AppServer_root/bin directory and open the ikeyman.sh file.
    2. Select Key Database File > Open.
    3. Click the Browse button.
    4. Change to the AppServer_root/java/jre/lib/security directory.
    5. Change Files of Type to All Files.
    6. Select the cacerts file and then click Open.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Enter the password for your cacerts file in the Password field. By default the password is changeit.
    9. Click Add.
    10. Enter the following information on the Add CA's Certificate from a File screen:

      • Select one of the following Data Types:

        • Base64-encoded ASCII
        • Binary DER data
      • Select the Certificate file name or click Browse to locate the file.
      • Enter the Location of the certificate file.
    11. Click OK.
    12. Stop and restart the WebSphere Portal Express.
    Windows Perform the following steps to access SSL servers:

    1. Go to the AppServer_root/bin directory and open the ikeyman.bat file.
    2. Select Key Database File > Open.
    3. Click the Browse button.
    4. Change to the AppServer_root/java/jre/lib/security directory.
    5. Change Files of Type to All Files.
    6. Select the cacerts file and then click Open.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Enter the password for your cacerts file in the Password field. By default the password is changeit.
    9. Click Add.
    10. Enter the following information on the Add CA's Certificate from a File screen:

      • Select one of the following Data Types:

        • Base64-encoded ASCII
        • Binary DER data
      • Select the Certificate file name or click Browse to locate the file.
      • Enter the Location of the certificate file.
    11. Click OK.
    12. Stop and restart the WebSphere Portal Express.
    i5/OS Perform the following steps to access SSL servers:

    1. Map a drive from a Windows machine, where the WebSphere Application Server plugins are installed, to the i5/OS file system.
    2. Make a backup copy of the cacerts files located in the i5/OS directory: QIBM\ProdData\Java400\jdk14\lib\security.
    3. Go to the AppServer_root/bin directory and open the ikeyman.bat file.
    4. Select Key Database File > Open.
    5. Click the Browse button.
    6. Change to the AppServer_root/java/jre/lib/security directory.
    7. Change Files of Type to All Files.
    8. Select the cacerts file and then click Open.
    9. Click OK.
    10. Enter the password for your cacerts file in the Password field. By default the password is changeit.
    11. Click Add.
    12. Enter the following information on the Add CA's Certificate from a File screen:

      • Select one of the following Data Types:

        • Base64-encoded ASCII
        • Binary DER data
      • Select the Certificate file name or click Browse to locate the file.
      • Enter the Location of the certificate file.
    13. Click OK.
    14. Stop and restart the WebSphere Portal Express.
Parent topic: Managing your site Related tasks
Managing your servers Publishing your page Providing reviewer access to a published page Promoting your page Demoting your page Republishing and promoting a page Creating a portal page from an HTML file Disabling site management Site management extension of the Portal Scripting Interface
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