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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Preliminary information

To use the Application Center, we must configure security settings, start the web application server where IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation is installed, start the Application Center console, and log in.

When we install IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, the Application Center is automatically installed in the specified application server.

If you install the Application Center in WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile, the server is created in installation-directory/server.

After the installation is complete, we must configure the security settings for the applications. See Configure user authentication for Application Center or, if you are using LDAP authentication, Managing users with LDAP.

Example: starting the server and the Application Center console on Liberty profile

  1. Start the Liberty server by using the server command that is in the installation-directory/server/wlp/bin directory.

      server start worklightServer

  2. When the server is running, start the Application Center console by entering this address in your browser: http://localhost:9080/appcenterconsole/
  3. Log in. By default, two users are defined for the installation of the Application Center on Apache Tomcat or WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile:

    • demo with password demo
    • appcenteradmin with password admin

For more information

To use the Application Center console, refer to The Application Center console.

To install and run the mobile client on the following operating systems, see:

Parent topic: Application Center