For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
App crash troubleshooting
We can view the Crashes page in the Applications section of the MobileFirst Analytics Console to better administer your apps.
The Crash Overview table shows the following data columns:
- App: app name
- Crashes: total number of crashes for that app
- Total Uses: total number of times a user opens and closes that app
- Crash Rate: percentage of crashes per use
The Crashes bar graph is the same chart that is displayed in the Overview page of the Dashboard section.
Note: Both charts query against the MfpAppSession documents. You must instrument your app to collect app uses and crashes for data to appear in the charts. If MfpAppSession data is not collected, then MfpAppLog documents are queried. In this case, the charts can count the number of crashes, but cannot compute a crash rate because the number of app uses is unknown, which results in the following limitations:
- The Crash Overview table has empty columns for Total Uses and Crash Rate.
- The Crashes bar graph displays no data when Display Crash Rate is selected.
To instrument crash data, see Initializing your app to capture crash data.
The Crash Summary table is sortable and includes the following data columns:
- Crashes
- Devices
- Last Crash
- App
- OS
- Message
We can click on the + icon next to any entry to display the Crash Details table, which includes the following columns:
- Time Crashed
- App Version
- OS Version
- Device Model
- Device ID
- Download: link to download the logs that led up to the crash
We can expand any entry in the Crash Details table to get more details, including a stacktrace.
Note: The data for the Crash Summary table is populated by querying the fatal level client logs. If your app does not collect fatal client logs, no data is available.
Parent topic: Crash capture